Will paid leave be provided from the place of work for employees studying in distance education?

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Will paid leave be provided from the place of work for employees studying in distance education?

20:05 / 30.11.2024 1.61k


I study remotely. Our HR Manager says that remote holidays are not given because you will study online. But I'll go to my place of study and take the exam offline. Please explain the guarantees for distance learning staff as well.


Article 385 of the Labor Code regulates the provision of guarantees and compensations for employees studying in evening or correspondence training. Please note that there are no guarantees or compensations for employees studying in distance learning! But although the Labor Code does not provide for guarantees for this category of workers, legislative acts provide for guarantees!

According to paragraph 22 of the Regulation "On the Procedure for Organizing Distance Learning in Higher Educational Institutions" of the Appendix to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 559 dated October 3, 2022, students who combine their work with distance learning are given leave for at least 15 calendar days to pass the final assessment at the end of the semester, and graduates are given a final state certification, to defend their final qualification and master's work.

Therefore, at the end of the semester, you will be given leave for final exams for a period of at least 15 calendar days with the preservation of wages.

As a basis for taking leave, you can provide a certificate from the place of study to your workplace and a copy of the final control schedule approved by the university. You can download the reference from!

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Author of the article

Muhammadamin Karimjonov

Muhammadamin Karimjonov



  • Labor law
