The monthly salary of managers will be doubled

Yesterday, on December 24, Minister Hilola Umarova informed the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan about the priority tasks to be implemented in the system of preschool and school education in 2025.
It also put forward a number of proposals for a significant increase in the monthly salary of heads of educational institutions.
According to the Ministry of Preschool and School Education, starting from the 2025-2026 academic year, the salaries of directors and deputy directors of schools and preschool educational institutions will be increased.
At the same time, starting from 2026, additional bonuses will be introduced for school principals and their deputies based on the results of their activities.
In addition, management employees in the preschool and school education system will be paid monthly bonuses and other additional payments for long-term work.
Minister Hilola Umarova said that the monthly salary of school principals will be increased up to 20%, and if they pass the "School of Directors," their salary will be doubled by increasing it by another 50%.
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A limit has been set on the amount of material assistance provided to teachers.

“Orzudagi maktab” loyihasi o‘tkaziladi

An 8th-grade student has given birth to a child

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