Will a 70% bonus be automatically assigned to all teachers who pass the certification with 86 points?

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Will a 70% bonus be automatically assigned to all teachers who pass the certification with 86 points?

10:34 / 17.01.2025 34.03k


In 2022, I transitioned from mathematics to higher category with 87.5 points. My category will expire in 2027. From 2025, if teachers who score above 86 points are assigned a 70% bonus, will the 70% bonus be automatically paid to me?


A 70 percent bonus system is being introduced for teachers who have a qualification certificate based on international standards. Currently, the Ministry of Preschool and School Education has begun cooperation with international organizations.

After the system passes international accreditation, teachers who received a qualification certificate with a result of 86 points based on these requirements are expected to receive a 70% bonus.

The procedure for paying a 70 percent bonus to teachers who have a qualification certificate based on international standards has not yet been fully developed, and detailed information on how this process is carried out has not been disclosed.

However, in an interview with, the head of the department for organizing the process of assigning qualification categories to pedagogical personnel of the Ministry of Preschool and School Education, Sardor Rakhimboyev, also touched upon the issue of taking tests for a 70% bonus.

It was noted that the teacher must take part in the attestation test for this purpose. Educators who are exempt from certification and teachers whose category has not expired will be required to participate in the extraordinary certification.

Also, teachers who have an international or national certificate must participate in an extraordinary certification to receive a 70% bonus.

In response to the above question, even if the procedure for assigning a 70% bonus to teachers comes into force, teachers who previously participated in certification tests and achieved a result of 86 or higher will not be automatically assigned a 70% bonus.

As we mentioned above, after the procedure for granting a 70% bonus comes into force, teachers will need to participate in the re-attestation to receive this bonus.

Except for teachers who will participate in the next certification after the new procedure comes into force.

For reference: Many news on this topic are expected to be published on soon. Follow us.

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Author of the article

Ulugbek Pulatov

Ulugbek Pulatov

Project founder


  • Attestation
  • surcharge
