A teacher with an occupational disease was compensated for 70 million dollars

A teacher who worked in one school for 20 years and suffered from an occupational disease will be reimbursed 70 million damages and compensation. This was reported in the "Zamon" news program.
It turned out that the teacher from Syrdarya had been working at the school for many years and had a professional disease. He filed a lawsuit to recover the pension because the district preschool and school education department did not pay in time the pensioner's money due to a professional illness.
The Syrdarya Regional Council of the Federation of Trade Unions of Uzbekistan, which filed a lawsuit in the interests of the teacher, asked the court to collect the allowance from the district preschool and school education department in favor of the teacher. A teacher who taught students in the same school for almost 20 years turned to doctors saying that he had health problems over the years. Unfortunately, according to the results of the medical examination, doctors advised him to stop working immediately due to a professional illness.
The teacher did the same, but the district preschool and school department didn't pay him his allowance. After that, the case had to be taken to court. The issue, which served as the basis for the teacher's appeal, was considered in the Syrdarya interdistrict civil court.
During the examination of the case, it was established that the plaintiff suffered from a professional disease as a result of working as a teacher for many years, that is, she was diagnosed with chronic laryngitis. The responsible organization also received a representation from the trade union, corresponding instructions, but their execution was not ensured.
The defendant informed the court that he had written to the district finance department about the need to pay the sums in the claim filed with the citizen, and since the organization is a budgetary organization, these funds will be paid after they are included in the cost estimate for the next year. This rule is clearly defined in the Labor Code. If a citizen is injured as a result of a professional disease or labor activity, if his health is damaged, this payment must be paid.
Therefore, based on this legislation, a decision was made to fully satisfy the plaintiff's claim. Finally, according to the court's results, the teacher's interests were satisfied and 70 million damages and compensation were recovered.
Therefore, a teacher, who knows his rights well, can now receive the allowance due to him without any problems.
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