Does a preschool and school education department employee have the right to check additional documents?

An employee of our district Department of Preschool Education has begun checking additional documents in schools. Some school principals are being demanded to overturn the decisions made by the working group. According to him, the allowances for teachers were prescribed incorrectly. Is the MMTB employee authorized to do this?
Firstly, managers and pedagogical workers, recognizing their rights, must demand from any person who introduces themselves as an inspector a document that serves as the basis for conducting an inspection at school.
Secondly, who is the inspector himself, what position does he hold, does this position authorize him to check additional documents, does he have an order to conduct an inspection? It is necessary to find answers to these questions.
Thirdly, do the actions of a person who identifies as an inspector meet the requirements of the regulation approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 352 of April 25, 2019?
If the managers and teaching staff do not have sufficient knowledge on this issue, then we explain the situation as follows:
The establishment of bonuses for teachers, psychologists, and library staff, the awarding of bonuses to employees of general education institutions, and the provision of material assistance to them are carried out by working groups created in general education institutions.
In this case, interference in the activities of the working group of the territorial administration and district (city) departments, as well as in the decisions they make, is not allowed. That is, they do not have the right to study additional documents. He has absolutely no right to instruct teachers to cancel the assigned bonuses.
Basis: Clause 9 of the Regulation on the Procedure for the Formation and Use of the Director's Fund for Incentivizing Distinguished Employees of General Secondary Educational Institutions, approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers dated September 30, 2019 No. 823.
It should also be remembered that by Presidential Decree No. UP-79 of May 26, 2023, the powers of district (city) departments of preschool and school education to inspect the activities of general secondary education institutions and assess the quality of education were abolished.
Based on the foregoing, it can be said that an employee of the district (city) department of preschool and school education is not entitled to check the additional documents of schools.
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