What should those who are dissatisfied with the test conducted for the minister's bonus do?

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What should those who are dissatisfied with the test conducted for the minister's bonus do?

18:02 / 26.02.2025 2.31k


I am dissatisfied with the Minister's Fund exam. Because the test level is inversely proportional to the time of 100 minutes.

The specification was also not followed. For other exams in mathematics, more time was allocated, taking into account the level of difficulty. But the ministry didn't do that.

I have never scored below 80 points on any state exams. What needs to be done to reorganize the test and conduct it in compliance with the level, time, and specifications?


This year, test trials were held throughout the Republic to receive a monthly bonus from the Minister's Fund.

Some teachers say that the level of complexity of subjects was not taken into account when determining the time of test trials, while others appeal to us that the tests are extremely complex.

Some of our teachers emphasize that both the tests and the selection stages went as planned. Also, the official pages of the Ministry of Preschool and School Education provide information about teachers who have achieved a 100-point result.

Therefore, it is a bit difficult to assess how impartial and fair the testing process was. Solving this issue only through legal means is considered the most correct way.

As is known, by the relevant order of the Minister of Preschool and School Education, a regulation on the maximum number of qualified pedagogical personnel and the selection of candidates with a monthly bonus paid from the Minister's fund has been approved.

According to Chapter 9 of this regulation, teachers who disagree with the test examinations conducted for the minister's bonus must submit an appeal from their personal account through the platform based on the test results within five working days after the announcement of the 1st stage test results.

In this case, the appeal of the candidate pedagogical personnel on the test tasks is considered by the Scientific and Practical Center for Pedagogical Excellence and International Assessment under the Agency of Specialized Educational Institutions, and the response is sent to the candidates' personal account.

If the appeal commission does not satisfy the complaint, then the pedagogical staff may file a lawsuit with the Administrative Court.

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Author of the article

Ulugbek Pulatov

Ulugbek Pulatov

Project founder


  • minister fund
