A new procedure for awarding a ministerial bonus to teachers has been approved.

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A new procedure for awarding a ministerial bonus to teachers has been approved.

14:22 / 03.03.2025 1.53k

By Resolution No. 130 of the Cabinet of Ministers dated February 28, 2025, the Regulation "On the Fund of the Minister of Public Education" was approved in a new edition.

According to the new version, the selection of qualified teaching staff with a monthly bonus is carried out in the following order:

The Ministry annually, by January 20, determines the maximum annual quota for qualified teachers with monthly bonuses throughout the Republic.

The working group annually, by February 1, distributes the quota by region in the areas of "Preschool Education," "Primary Education," "Philological Sciences," "Social Sciences," "Exact Sciences," "Natural and Economic Sciences," "Applied Sciences," based on the number of educational organizations and the number of teachers and educators working in the field of science.

The selection of qualified teaching staff by the working group, who are paid a monthly allowance from the Fund for the corresponding year in accordance with the quota, is carried out in the following stages:

At the first stage - the first stage of certification of teachers of educational organizations, which took place in January-June and September-December of the year preceding the year in which the quota was established - the results of determining the level of knowledge of the teacher in the specialty subject and professional standard are analyzed annually by March 1, a list of candidates is formed, and candidates for the second stage are selected in the following order:

for each quota, distributed by subject area by region, three candidates with the highest results in qualification tests are selected from among the candidates. Including:

  • if candidates participate in qualification exams more than once or in several subjects, the subject of the highest result is selected or the attestation queue is selected;

  • if a candidate is selected as a candidate in both subjects, the choice of which subject is made by the teacher.

If the candidates have equal scores, their selection is carried out in the following sequence:

  • a high level of the candidate's current qualification category;

  • Having many years of work experience in organizations of the Ministry's system.

In all the above cases, if the points are equal, as an exception, all teachers are transferred to the second stage.

In the next mandatory certification of pedagogical workers, the maximum score awarded as a benefit for determining the level of knowledge in the specialty subject and the professional standard, as well as the qualification test in the academic subject, is not taken into account.

These pedagogical workers, as well as subject teachers and educators working in preschool educational organizations who are not involved in the next mandatory certification, may, at their discretion, take part in the 1st stage of the selection of qualified pedagogical personnel with a monthly allowance paid from the Fund, by participating in the certification organized in the corresponding year.

In the second stage - within 60 working days after the completion of the first stage, an interview is conducted to assess the professional skills of the selected candidates.

In this case, the procedure and criteria for conducting the interview are approved by order of the Minister of Preschool and School Education. The interview process is recorded on video.

At the end of the second stage, total points are calculated by adding the points of the first and second stages, and the winners of the best results are awarded bonuses within the established quota.

Based on the results of the selection, qualified teaching staff of general education organizations recommended for a monthly bonus from the Fund are paid a monthly bonus of 5.5 times the minimum wage, and educators of preschool educational organizations - 2 times the minimum wage.

The monthly bonus is paid for 9 months from the date of its establishment. In this case, even if the employee's place of work or position changes, their monthly allowance is retained and paid by the established deadline.

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"Xalq ta'limi Info"

"Xalq ta'limi Info"



  • minister fund
