Starting from the new academic year, teachers with secondary specialized education will also be involved in the certification.

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Starting from the new academic year, teachers with secondary specialized education will also be involved in the certification.

17:27 / 12.03.2025 827

As you know, the procedure for certification of teachers was improved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 130 of February 28, 2025.

According to the new procedure, all pedagogical staff of educational organizations will now be involved in mandatory certification. Including teachers with secondary specialized education.

Starting from the new 2025/2026 academic year, the processes of certification of teachers without higher education will begin in the prescribed manner.

Pedagogical staff without higher education involved in the certification tests will not be assigned qualification categories, and they will have to retain their positions.

Teaching staff without higher education:

  • 55 points and above - certified, retained position;

  • If the indicator is less than 55 points - it is considered uncertified, unfit for the teaching position.

In the event that pedagogical personnel without higher education fail to pass the next mandatory certification, the employer has the right to terminate the employment contract with the employee due to insufficient qualifications in the manner prescribed by labor legislation.

In the event of the employer's failure to terminate the employment contract, a pedagogical staff without higher education who failed the next mandatory certification is involved in the extraordinary certification no more than twice in a row.

In this case, the employment contract with a pedagogical personnel who did not pass the extraordinary certification at least twice or did not participate in the certification without a valid reason (during the period of incapacity for work due to illness and in cases other than the performance of state or public duties) is terminated due to insufficient qualifications of the employee in the manner prescribed by labor legislation.

The head of the educational organization in which the pedagogical personnel are engaged is personally responsible for involving pedagogical personnel without higher education, who have not passed the certification, in the extraordinary certification twice in a row.

In the event of termination of the employment contract of a teacher due to failure to pass certification (due to insufficient qualifications of the employee) in the manner prescribed by labor legislation, the pedagogical staff may be hired again as a teacher only if they take an extraordinary professional certification test at their own request and receive a certificate.

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"Xalq ta'limi Info"



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