The schoolgirl brought a knife to school to frighten her classmate.

Cold weapons (knives, scissors, cassettes) and tools promoting violence were found in the bags of students in a number of schools in Bukhara. This was reported by the publication.
According to the head of the press service of the Bukhara Regional Department of the National Guard, Captain Murodjon Rakhmatulloyev, Article 47 of the Code of Administrative Offenses was applied to the father of a schoolgirl in the 11th grade of one of the schools in Bukhara.
According to the situation, the schoolgirl secretly brought a kitchen knife from her home to school in her bag to frighten a classmate who disagreed with her. A similar situation occurred at a school in the Jondor district.
Why did you bring a kitchen knife with you to school?
- I have a classmate with whom I can't get along beforehand, to frighten him...
The National Guard lieutenant faces the schoolgirl's mother.
"My daughter brought this knife for sharpening, understand what you're saying?!" he threatens the service personnel.
"To be honest, there was no fear in the eyes of the schoolgirls, on the contrary, aggression was reflected. In such a situation, there is no guarantee that the internal conflict between students will not lead to unpleasant consequences.
Without hesitation, the girl admitted her guilt and revealed it. "However, in the conversation with his mother, it was obvious that adults were not fulfilling their obligations regarding the upbringing of the child," said Senior Lieutenant Nargiza Ashurova.
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The car created by the teacher was financed by the ministry for 63 million soums.

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The student, who had been working as a salesperson without attending school, was placed under surveillance two months later.
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The Tashkent city DIA issued a statement saying that the news that 54 crimes were committed in one school was unfounded
The department said that this message does not correspond to the truth

It was said that 54 crimes were committed in one school
As told by the deputy khokim of Tashkent
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