Some physical education teachers are given the qualification category directly, without certification.

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Some physical education teachers are given the qualification category directly, without certification.

11:49 / 27.01.2024 2.83k
Sports competitions that are included in the calendar plans of republican, regional and physical education and sports organizations of sports and mass physical education events approved in the prescribed manner:

➖ to teachers of physical education of the educational organizations that trained the winner of the district (city) stage (1st place) - the second qualification category (senior teacher position);

➖ To teachers of physical education of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, regions, and the winner of the Tashkent city stage (1st place) - the first qualification category (leading teacher position);

Teachers of physical education of educational organizations that have trained winners and prize-winners of the international and republican stages (1st - 3rd place) are awarded the higher qualification category (head teacher position).

Also, the Olympiad in physical education, as well as the "Olympiad of Five Initiatives", three-level all-republic sports competitions in Olympic, non-Olympic and national sports:

➖ to physical education teachers of general secondary education organizations who trained the winners and prize-winners of the district (city) stage (1st - 3rd place) - the second qualification category (senior teacher position);

➖ To the physical education teachers of the general secondary education organizations who trained the winners and prize-winners of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, regions and Tashkent city stage (1st - 3rd place) - the first qualification category (the position of leading teacher );

➖ teachers of physical education of general secondary education organizations who trained the winners and prize-winners of the international and republican (final) stage (1st - 3rd place) - higher qualification category (head teacher position) is awarded.

Basis: Clause 6 of the regulation approved by the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers dated September 17, 2021 No. 572.

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Author of the article

Ulugbek Pulatov

Ulugbek Pulatov

Project founder


  • Attestation
  • Teacher
