Can psychologists also get a category after passing the certification?

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Can psychologists also get a category after passing the certification?

07:52 / 05.02.2024 2.51k
In the regulation "On the procedure for certification of psychologists of the psychological service in the general secondary and secondary special state educational institution" approved by the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 577 of July 12, 2019, the certification of psychologists the transfer procedure is defined.

However, since there is no professional standard for psychologists working in educational institutions, they have not been involved in attestation.

According to Dilfuza Sobirova, head of the information service of the Ministry of Preschool and School Education, the professional standard of psychologists has been developed at the moment.

After the redrafting and approval of the regulation "On the procedure for certification of psychological staff of the psychological service in the general secondary and secondary special state educational institution", psychologists can also receive a category after passing the certification will be

Let's remind that now the monthly salary of psychologists also differs according to the qualification category and is defined as follows:

Psychologist with higher education - 2 million 653 thousand 689 soums;

Psychologist of the second category - 2 million 841 thousand 780 soums;

First class psychologist - 3 million 034 thousand 666 soums;

High-class psychologist - 3 million 219 thousand 374 soums.

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"Xalq ta'limi Info"

"Xalq ta'limi Info"



  • Attestation
  • Psychologist
