Parents may be held responsible for repeated cell phone violations

20:43 / 27.02.2024
On January 22 of this year, the Presidential Administration issued an order to strictly control the use of mobile phones by students and teachers in educational institutions.
This is provided for in the plan of the Ministry of Preschool and School Education dated January 24, 2024 "Measures aimed at ensuring the unconditional fulfillment of the requirements of the regulation on the procedure for using mobile phones in educational institutions".
In it, the participants of each educational process (pedagogical staff, students, parents) and other visiting citizens can turn off their personal mobile communication devices on the territory of the educational institution and leave them for temporary storage, based on their internal capabilities in educational institutions (school lobby , spiritual room, classrooms and other lockable places) are instructed to organize boxes.
In it, the participants of each educational process (pedagogical staff, students, parents) and other visiting citizens can turn off their personal mobile communication devices on the territory of the educational institution and leave them for temporary storage, based on their internal capabilities in educational institutions (school lobby , spiritual room, classrooms and other lockable places) are instructed to organize boxes.
Also, in this plan of measures of the ministry, the following activities are defined:
—strict control of the school management on not bringing mobile communication devices into the educational institution (keeping them in the school lobby, spiritual room, classrooms and other locked places);
—strict control of the school management on not bringing mobile communication devices into the educational institution (keeping them in the school lobby, spiritual room, classrooms and other locked places);
—when students enter the classroom, leave their mobile phones in silent mode in the box next to the school lobby or the teacher's desk, pick up their mobile phones after the end of the lesson;
—to introduce the practice of handing over mobile phones to the teacher before the beginning of classes for primary school students and taking them from the teacher after the end of classes;
—to warn students in case of violations of the rules of mobile phone use, to notify their parents in case of repeated violations and to take measures to bring them to administrative responsibility in accordance with the law;
—organizing regular raids on compliance with the rules of mobile phone use by the inspector psychologist and prevention inspector in educational institutions.
—organizing regular raids on compliance with the rules of mobile phone use by the inspector psychologist and prevention inspector in educational institutions.
Currently, the regulation of the use of mobile phones in educational institutions is the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers dated May 21, 2012 No. 139 "On measures to regulate the use of mobile phones in educational institutions of the Republic of Uzbekistan" and the decision of the Ministry of Pre-school and School Education dated August 31, 2023 " It is regulated by the model rules of conduct approved by Order No. 282 "On approval of the improved model rules of conduct of the general secondary educational institution".
For reference, Sweden will end digital learning for children under the age of six in September 2023 and switch back to tablets and books, amid growing concerns about students' declining basic skills.
Also, in Kazakhstan, it is being legalized to ban schoolchildren from using smartphones during classes.
We remind you that earlier, the governor of Tashkent region, Zoyir Mirzayev, promoted the initiative "School without telephones" and said that the school that refused to use telephones would receive a monetary reward of 300 million soums.
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16:00 / 14.03.2025
The car created by the teacher was financed by the ministry for 63 million soums.

23:22 / 13.03.2025
Are the summer holidays in schools shortening?

12:50 / 13.03.2025
A mother who begged without involving her children in education was held accountable.

17:27 / 12.03.2025
Starting from the new academic year, teachers with secondary specialized education will also be involved in the certification.
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