A student beat a National Guard officer

09:00 / 17.05.2024
Darakchi.uz reports that a National Guard officer was beaten by students at a school in Namangan.
According to the Information Service of the Preschool and School Education Department of Namangan Region, the situation happened on May 15 at 12:05 in the 37th school in Namangan city.
As it turned out, when the 11th grade students of the educational institution finished their 5th lesson according to the schedule and came to the exit gate of the school, the school guard under the National Guard, O.E, on duty, called one of the school leaders to prove to the students that the lesson was over said he would come.
When the students disobeyed this instruction and tried to leave the door, a dispute arose between the National Guard guard. The dispute between the 11th-grade students U.M., N.T., and the guard O.E. was filmed by an unknown person on a phone and distributed on social networks the next day.
Regarding the situation, on May 16 at 4:30 p.m., the head of the regional department of the National Guard, the deputy head of the preschool and school education department, the parents of the 11th grade students, A meeting was held with the participation of the head of the Namangan city department, neighborhood activists, and the tasks that should be focused on in the education of young people were discussed.
"In the direction of neglecting children's upbringing by the law enforcement bodies, investigations have been launched before the investigation, and the preschool and school education department has appointed a service check against the school leaders," it is said. In the official statement of the Information Service of the Preschool and School Education Department of Namangan Region.
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