The authority of inspector-psychologists in working with children is being strengthened

A draft law is being prepared to strengthen the powers of inspector-psychologists of the National Guard for working with children. This was reported by the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis.
According to the report, the Defense and Security Committee is preparing a draft law aimed at improving the system of crime prevention among minors for consideration in the first reading at the next meeting of the Legislative Chamber.
With this draft law, amendments and additions are being made to the Code of Administrative Responsibility, providing for the transfer of the powers of senior inspectors-psychologists and inspectors-psychologists of internal affairs bodies on juvenile issues to the National Guard.
At the same time, it is envisaged to introduce amendments that strengthen the powers of employees of the Department for Work with Children of the National Guard and its territorial divisions to consider cases of administrative offenses, including non-fulfillment of obligations to educate and educate children, consumption of tobacco or alcohol products in public places, as well as involvement of a minor in antisocial behavior and the application of administrative penalties.
"The draft law will serve to increase the effectiveness of the activities of the National Guard bodies in the prevention of offenses among minors, the protection of the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of children, and the establishment of a spirit of respect for the law in society," the report said.
It should be recalled that earlier, the staff of school psychologists was transferred from the Ministry of Internal Affairs to the National Guard system, and the responsible officer of the National Guard introduced additional requirements for school guards in order to prevent accidents and crime among students on the school grounds.
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