The school principal who falsified student attendance has been fired.

In Kashkadarya region, the director and his deputy were dismissed for attempting to illegally assess 4 students who did not attend school. This was reported by the Information Service of the Department of Preschool and School Education of Kashkadarya region.
It turned out that in one of the schools of the Chirakchi district, 4 students who did not actually attend school were illegally assessed.
When the activities of educational organizations in the region were studied by a special working group created by the Department of Preschool and School Education of Kashkadarya region, it was found that student attendance had changed.
"The director of a school in the Chirakchi district, who was indifferent to his position, tried to falsify the quality of education, the attendance of students involved in compulsory education, or was indifferent to the general control of the management, was dismissed from his post.
The employment contract concluded with the deputies within the nomenclature will also be terminated," the press service of the department said.
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