Pedagogical teams of 66 schools have been allocated bonuses of up to 40%

By order of the Minister of Preschool and School Education Hilola Umarova No. 286 dated August 30, 2024, the leadership and teachers of general secondary schools, which have effectively introduced a new procedure for assessing students' knowledge, and whose students have recorded positive indicators, have been assigned bonuses from 10 to 40 percent.
As you know, starting from the 2023/2024 academic year, 2 schools will be assigned to each of the 500 general education schools in the republic, where a new order of teaching and knowledge assessment has been introduced, and the coverage of the new system is being expanded.
It is known that by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 263 dated May 6, 2024, starting from the 2024/2025 academic year, the procedure for allocating bonuses to the management and teachers of general education schools, which have effectively introduced a new order of teaching and knowledge assessment, and whose students have recorded positive indicators, was introduced.
According to the current procedure, monitoring groups will work in the regional departments on a permanent basis to form a list of general education schools with allowances for managerial and pedagogical staff.
The formation of the list of general education schools with additional allowances for managerial and pedagogical staff was carried out in the following two stages:
At the first stage, the Monitoring Group analyzes the average annual grades of students in general education schools based on data from electronic journals of schools that have implemented a new assessment procedure, and selects the first 20% of general education schools that showed the best results in relation to the total number of general education schools in the corresponding region.
In the second stage, general education schools selected within the framework of the first stage are analyzed by the Monitoring Group based on the following criteria:
- the conduct of propaganda work on the new assessment procedure and the assessment of students' knowledge based on established criteria;
- proper organization of evaluation work;
- analysis of methodological associations by subject areas and analysis of project work performed by students;
- conducting surveys and their analysis.
The monitoring group has formed a list of general education schools with a new assessment procedure, based on the total scores accumulated in two stages, by region.
At the end of the 1st stage, 20 percent of the heads and teachers of general education schools selected and analyzed within the framework of the 2nd stage were assigned a bonus in the following amounts, depending on the total points accumulated by these schools within the framework of two stages:
- to the first 5 percent of general education schools that showed the best results in the sequence of points compared to the total number of analyzed schools - 40 percent;
- to the next 10 percent of general education schools that showed the best results in the sequence of points compared to the total number of analyzed schools - 30 percent;
- to the next 15 percent of general education schools that showed the best results in the sequence of points compared to the total number of analyzed schools - 20 percent;
- for the remaining analyzed general education schools - 10 percent.
Starting from the 2024-2025 academic year (September 1), for one calendar year, the allowances recommended by the Monitoring Groups for managers and teachers of general education schools are paid in the prescribed manner together with their monthly salaries.
In case of termination of the employment contract with the heads and teachers of general education schools, the payment of the allowance shall be suspended.
For reference: According to the analysis of the monitoring groups, 34 schools were removed from the list due to unreliable assessments.
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Should teachers pay for an extraordinary attestation for a 70% bonus?
There are several grounds for paying for an unscheduled spring attestation.

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When will the procedure for providing a 70% bonus be introduced?
No one can say for sure yet.

If a teacher works in two schools, does he receive a bonus for the category and certificate from both schools?
The teacher's official salary is formed on the basis of basic tariff rates.
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