The bus driver who caused the death of students was sentenced to 9 years in prison

In March this year, it was reported that a traffic accident involving a bus and a truck carrying schoolchildren occurred in Bukhara, resulting in the death of one person. Shortly after, the number of victims increased by one more. Now, the driver of this bus was sentenced to 9 years in prison by a court sentence. This was reported by the press secretary of the Supreme Court Aziz Obidov.
At a court session held in the Kagan city court on criminal cases related to a traffic accident, the driver was found guilty of committing the crime provided for in Article 266 (Violation of the rules of safety of movement or use of vehicles) of the Criminal Code, Part 3, Clause "a," and was deprived of the right to drive all types of vehicles for 3 years and imprisonment for 9 years.
"I sincerely regret what I did. Please forgive me," the defendant said.
For information, this accident occurred on March 18 of this year at around 10:30, at the intersection of the 32nd kilometer of the A-380b highway passing through the territory of the Kagan district of the Bukhara region and the 6th kilometer of the 4R-69 highway. The bus, which was driven by the driver O.Sh., born in 1991, collided with the truck, which was driven by the driver M.M., born in 1984.
In connection with the incident, the investigative body of the internal affairs bodies of the Bukhara region initiated a criminal case under Article 266 of the Criminal Code (violation of the rules of safety of movement or use of vehicles) and immediately began an investigation.
In addition, during the investigation conducted by the prosecutor's office of the Bukhara region, it was found that some officials committed gross violations of the law in the organization of bus transportation and accompaniment of schoolchildren. In connection with this situation, a criminal case has been initiated under Article 207 of the Criminal Code.
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A limit has been set on the amount of material assistance provided to teachers.

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