The involvement of a teacher in election activities should be carried out for an additional fee

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The involvement of a teacher in election activities should be carried out for an additional fee

11:13 / 24.10.2024 2.24k

According to Article 5 of the Law on the Status of a Teacher, those who engage a teacher in work not related to their professional activities are liable in the manner prescribed by law.

The involvement of a teacher in events of political and social significance (participation in the process of organizing and holding elections, performing the role of audience controller in test trials, assisting in census work, participating as an expert in the process of inspection and certification of educational organizations, etc.) is carried out with his consent, on the basis of the contract concluded with him, with additional payment, during free time or with the preservation of average salary at the place of work.

Administrative coercion of a teacher to work in any form, as well as illegal interference in the professional activities of a teacher or obstruction in the performance of their official duties, shall entail liability in the manner prescribed by law.

The teacher is exempt from paying the state fee in the event of applying to the court with a claim for the protection of his honor, dignity and business reputation in the course of his professional activity, as well as appealing against illegal decisions of state bodies, actions (inaction) of their officials that violate his rights.

In the event of an offense committed by an educational organization related to illegal interference in the professional activities of a teacher or obstruction of the performance of his official duties, a teacher, without drawing up a protocol on an administrative offense, has the right to directly apply to the court, indicating in his application the identity of the offender, the place, time and essence of the administrative offense, as well as other information necessary for resolving the case.

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Author of the article

"Xalq ta'limi Info"

"Xalq ta'limi Info"



  • Labor law
  • Teacher status
