How much extra is paid to the teacher entrusted with temporary classroom guidance?

I was assigned the class of a teacher who is temporarily absent from work. However, they are paying 50% of the classroom teacher's salary for classroom management for 20 students. Is this correct?
The class assigned to a teacher and classroom management are part of the additional paid allowances. According to paragraph 4 of the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 275 dated December 21, 2005, the additional payment for classroom management is calculated based on the number of students in the class.
Furthermore, according to paragraph 23, subparagraph 12 of the Regulation "On the procedure for class formation and tarification list compilation in general education institutions," it is stipulated that additional payments for the management of a vacant class are calculated based on the established amounts according to the number of students in the class.
Therefore, if the classroom management of a vacant position or temporarily absent employee in an educational institution is assigned to another teacher, not 50 percent but 100 percent of the amount based on the number of students in the class should be paid.
In this case, the following additional payments should be made for classroom management based on the number of students in the class:
- Up to 15 students - 304,920 soums;
- From 16 to 20 students - 364,980 soums;
- From 21 to 25 students - 422,730 soums;
- From 26 to 30 students - 486,255 soums;
- 31 or more students - 609,840 soums.
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Does the lesson hour have anything to do with classroom guidance?
It doesn't matter how many hours the teacher has taken

Don't teachers who don't lead the class get lessons?
There is no provision for the mandatory assignment of a classroom leadership position to the teacher.

Is it correct that the money paid for classroom guidance and notebook inspection will be refunded?
These payments cannot be recharged.

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In fact, it would be correct to introduce a 10% bonus to the head of the classroom methodological association.
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