8 people were arrested on suspicion of raping an 8th-grade girl

An eighth-grade girl went missing for two weeks and was found on October 6 with traces of violence on her body. A criminal case was initiated one month later. As a result, 8 people were arrested on suspicion of raping a girl. It is said that among them is a district prosecutor's office.
Earlier, the "Silence" project (Nemolchi.uz) reported that an 8th-grade student was kidnapped and raped by a group of people in the Kushrabat district of the Samarkand region.
Hayat Shamsutdinov, the press secretary of the Prosecutor General's Office, provided information on the incident. According to him, on October 6, 2024, a minor girl filed a complaint that she was raped by several people.
During the pre-investigation check conducted on the application, it was found that the prosecutor of the Kushrabat district was also involved in this situation.
He was dismissed from the prosecutor's office on October 30 of this year by the relevant order of the regional prosecutor.
According to the results of the pre-investigation check and the appointed medical and biological expertise, on October 31, the Ishtikhan district prosecutor's office initiated a criminal case under Article 119 of the Criminal Code (sexual satisfaction by force in an unnatural way).
Then the criminal case was sent to the internal affairs body for investigation.
During the investigation and operational measures, 9 suspects were identified and involved in the investigation. Eight people, including a former prosecutor of the Kushrabat district prosecutor's office, were detained in a procedural order. Measures are being taken to detain one suspect.
It is noted that the prosecutor's office controls the investigation of the criminal case.
For information, the girl was kidnapped on September 23, 2024. Some time later, her relatives wrote a statement about the girl's disappearance. The victim was found 13 days later, on October 6, with traces of violence on her body.
The "Silence" project expressed concern over how "disrespectfully" the relevant authorities approached the case, citing the following claims made by the victim's relatives as grounds for this concern:
- On October 7 (the day after the girl was found), the investigator took her in the same car as the suspects, but without her parents, for an examination. The girl refused the examination because the expert was a man. Therefore, the examination was conducted on October 10 (again without relatives). However, blood was not taken from him to check for alcohol or harmful substances in his blood.
- When the girl's relatives went to the prosecutor's office, a psychiatric brigade was waiting for them outside, they were summoned by the precinct inspector. However, the girl needed psychological help, not psychiatric.
- A school psychologist could also work with the victim, but the school did not provide such assistance to her. However, her parents were fined for not attending school. A large family (with 5 children) was fined 1.2 million soums. She was afraid of going to school because everyone knew what had happened.
- The case was opened only by Article 119 without the provisions of kidnapping, detention against his will by force, torture.
- No one has directed the family to the "Inson" social protection center.
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