Teachers who raise their hand against a student may no longer be able to work at school
This rule applies not only to school teachers, but also to teachers and educators working in preschool educational organizations.
The proposal of the National Agency for Social Protection and the Authorized Person of the Oliy Majlis for Children's Rights (Children's Ombudsman) to provide for certain restrictions and additional requirements for teachers and educators who have committed cases of violence against children in educational organizations to continue their work with children in the future was approved.
This is provided for in the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated December 2, 2024 No. UP-201 "On measures to increase the effectiveness of the activities of commissions on children's issues."
According to the decree, the Ministry of Justice, together with the Authorized Person of the Oliy Majlis for Children's Rights (Children's Ombudsman), the Ministry of Poverty Reduction and Employment, and the Ministry of Preschool and School Education, within three months, will develop a draft normative legal act providing for this provision and submit it to the Cabinet of Ministers in the prescribed manner.
Also, the Ministry of Preschool and School Education, together with the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation, within a month, will fully review all documents regulating the interaction of educators with pupils, students and students based on modern requirements, including taking into account effective mechanisms for the prevention of violence against children.
At the moment, it is not known what restrictions will be introduced for teachers and educators who have committed cases of violence against children to continue their work in an educational institution.
That is, in the newly developed procedure, teachers who have committed violent acts may be limited not only the right to work in an educational organization, but also other rights. It will be possible to find out about this when the draft of the relevant document is developed.
For reference: The recently signed Law "On the Protection of Children from All Forms of Violence" specifies types of violence against children.
The law identifies the following as types of violence against children:
Physical abuse - infliction of various bodily injuries to children, leaving them in danger, failure to provide assistance to children in a situation threatening their life and health;
Sexual violence is an attack on a child's sexual immunity through acts of a sexual nature, including:
- humiliation;
- Sexual satisfaction in an unnatural way with the use of violence;
- coercion to have sexual intercourse;
- Sexual intercourse with a person under the age of 16;
- involvement of a minor as an perpetrator of acts of a pornographic nature;
- engaging in prostitution, organizing brothels with the involvement of a minor or committing obscene acts against him;
- committing acts of a sexual nature by deception or abuse of trust or exploiting the child's vulnerability;
- Sexual harassment, as well as any other sexual acts of a sexual nature prohibited by law;
Mental abuse is a form of violence expressed in insults, slander, threats against children, humiliation of their honor and dignity, humiliation, as well as other actions aimed at limiting the basic needs of children, including actions (inaction) that cause the victim to be concerned about their safety, become unable to defend themselves, or harm their mental health.
Neglect is a violation of the child's health, physical, mental and moral development by a parent (replacing them or caregivers) who has the necessary capabilities, knowledge and skills, including access to relevant services (state, medical, educational, social and other services) for this purpose.
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