Now music teachers will also pass the examination of the Ministry of Culture to obtain a category
The procedure for assigning categories to teachers of musical culture will be developed in two stages, and the first stage (testing processes) will be organized by the Ministry of Preschool and School Education, and the second stage (practical (creative) examination) will be organized by the Ministry of Culture.
This is provided for in the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On measures to fundamentally improve the teaching of musical culture in general education schools and the development of professional activities of teachers of this subject."
According to the decision:
Starting from March 1, 2025:
- a system of professional development for music culture teachers based on theoretical and practical training will be established;
Starting from September 1, 2025:
- Graduates who have fully completed the established curricula of children's music and art schools and have a certificate of completion of the 11th grade of general secondary education are given the right to work as heads of clubs in children's schools "Barkamol Avlod";
Until the 2025/2026 academic year:
- a national assessment system for determining the level of knowledge and professional skills of music culture teachers will be developed and implemented in practice;
Starting from April 1, 2025:
- Based on the positive experience of the "Turon school theater," amateur artistic groups "Iqtidor" will be created in schools, and the republican competition "Iqtidor maktab ansambli" will be held among the teams. The winners of the republican stage of the competition will be sent on an educational trip to foreign countries.
Also, in accordance with this decision:
- Children's music and art schools shall be designated as the support for providing methodological assistance to teachers of music culture in schools;
- Teachers of children's music and art schools provide methodological assistance to teachers of musical culture in schools.
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