Can a history teacher teach law?

I graduated from the university this year. My diploma says I'm a historian and a teacher. Can I teach history as well as law?
It is known that in practice, graduates of the "History" field of education were given lessons in the subject "Fundamentals of State and Law" in secondary schools, taking into account the existence of the subject "Law" in the curricula of the higher educational institutions where they studied.
However, currently, lessons in the subject "Fundamentals of State and Law" are not allocated to graduates of the "History" program.
The reason is that according to Appendix 12 to the Order of the Minister of Preschool and School Education No. 238 dated August 1, 2024, for a subject teacher, it is required to complete a professional retraining course with at least a bachelor's degree of higher pedagogical education corresponding to the subject area or at least a bachelor's degree of higher education and the right to teach in the subject area, or to complete a retraining course with at least a bachelor's degree of higher education and the right to conduct pedagogical activities corresponding to the subject area (specificity
That is, they do not have the right to teach the subject "Fundamentals of State and Law" to graduates of the "History" program.
For example, let's take the bachelor's degree program 5120300 - History (by countries around the world) and analyze it.
According to the description of this educational program, the professional activity of the bachelor's degree program in History (by country in the world) includes:
- In general and secondary specialized, professional educational institutions, in the prescribed manner, teaching the subjects of History of Uzbekistan, World History and History of World Religions, the Idea of National Independence, and the Fundamentals of Spirituality;
- Participation in research related to the study and protection of material and spiritual monuments;
- Work in law enforcement agencies, local self-government bodies and local spirituality and enlightenment centers;
- Activities in museums, information and resource centers, various business entities, non-governmental non-profit and public organizations, etc.
As we can see, the description of the bachelor's degree program in History (by countries around the world) does not specify the teaching of the subject "Fundamentals of State and Law."
For reference: Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 189 of April 6, 2021 stipulates that from January 1, 2030, only persons with higher education who have a higher legal education or have completed pedagogical retraining courses and received a diploma of the established sample will have the right to teach in school education, secondary specialized and professional educational institutions.
Also, by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 532 of August 27, 2024, it is established that pedagogical workers who do not have a higher legal education who teach law in general education institutions will be gradually re-trained in the legal specialty until the end of 2026 on a free basis.
The Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Preschool and School Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan provide methodological assistance to teachers teaching the subject "Fundamentals of State and Law" and create educational and methodological materials (video lessons, presentation and visual aids and other educational materials).
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