Is it correct to teach a leader who has not passed the certification?
I am the head of the methodological association of mathematics. In our methodological association, the deputy director also teaches mathematics, his specialty is mathematics, but due to his inability to pass mandatory certification, he fell into the hands of a specialist, how correct is it to teach him?
Distribution of lessons is carried out in accordance with paragraph 15 of the Regulation "On the procedure for compiling classes and forming tariff lists in general education institutions" (registration number: 3271).
When allocating lessons according to the indicators of paragraph 15 of the Regulation, the teacher's achievements (places taken by students in Olympiads, foreign language certificates, participation in competitions, etc.) and qualification category, education should be taken into account.
At the end of the sequence, it is indicated that management personnel in the relevant specialty of the general education institution can be taught before being provided with teachers with higher education.
In other words, managers can take lessons only after all teachers in the school are fully provided with lessons.
In this case, they cannot claim an hour of lessons even if they have a qualification category or the places of their students at the Olympiads, certificates obtained in a foreign language, participation in competitions or other achievements.
Because their position is not a teacher, but a leadership position. The regulation "On the procedure for compiling classes and forming tariff lists in general education institutions" gives the right to receive maximum hours of classes only to teachers.
The conclusion is that the qualification category or failure to pass the certification of managers in their specialty does not play a role in the distribution of class hours.
As noted above, teaching hours can be allocated to managers only after teachers in the educational institution are fully provided with lessons.
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