In 2025, 81 million copies of textbooks and exercise books will be published

The Ministry of Economy and Finance made an official statement that textbook rental will be free even in 2025. Earlier, the Ministry of Preschool and School Education, in response to the request of, announced that the textbooks will be free.
Earlier, in the draft Budget for 2025-2027, relevant proposals were presented on the introduction of a system for charging rent for a set of textbooks and exercise books in grades 2-11, starting from the 2025-2026 academic year.
According to the Ministry of Economy and Finance, in 2024, a total of 1.5 trillion soums were allocated from the state budget for the supply of 83.2 million copies of textbooks and exercise books for schoolchildren. Of these funds, 435.5 billion soums (or 36 percent) were directed to exercise books with a periodicity of 1 year and newly published annually.
In 2025, it is planned to cover a total of 1.3 trillion soums from the state budget for 81 million copies of textbooks and exercise books.
"The funds provided for in the State Budget for 2025 will fully cover the need to provide students with textbooks and exercise books in the new academic year. At the same time, it is not planned to charge additional fees from parents for the rental of textbooks and exercise books," the ministry said in a statement.
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