Who should supervise the textbooks given to students?

Who is responsible for controlling textbooks made available to students? That is, I want to say who will control the students because they are not enveloped in the textbooks and do not keep them well. Class leader? The librarian? A science teacher?
On April 28, 2014, the Regulation "On the Procedure for Providing General Education Schools with Textbooks and Educational and Methodological Aids" was registered with the Ministry of Justice under No. 2577.
According to Chapter 9, Clause 95 of this Regulation, educational work aimed at maintaining the accounting of textbooks, their use, and their preservation, as well as developing a sense of care for textbooks among students, is carried out by librarians of general education schools. This regulation also defines criteria for evaluating the results of the work of librarians.
The following are the criteria for evaluating the results of librarians' work:
- the correctness of the preparation and storage of acts for the admission and withdrawal of existing textbooks and teaching materials from the library fund of the general education school;
- completeness and correctness of workbooks in the library fund of the general education school;
- analysis of the use of existing textbooks and UMS in the library fund of the general education school;
- the necessary conditions and order of storage of textbooks and UMS;
- timely inventory of textbooks and UMS in the library fund of the general education school;
- timely and complete write-off of textbooks and UMS from the library fund of the general education school with expired use;
- the effectiveness of organizing educational work aimed at developing a sense of care for textbooks and teaching materials among students and teachers;
- effective use of information technologies in their work.
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