Will primary school teachers also be paid a 50% bonus?

From January 1, 2025, teachers of native language and history will be paid a 50% bonus for a national certificate. Then will elementary school teachers also be paid 50% for teaching Uzbek language and literature in elementary schools?
In response to the request of xalqtaliminfo.uz, the Ministry of Preschool and School Education provided a detailed answer to this question.
It is known that according to paragraph 12 of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 37 "On the State Program for the Implementation of the Strategy "Uzbekistan - 2030" in the "Year of Support for Youth and Business," from January 1, 2025, teachers of the subject "Native Language and Literature and History" with a national certificate issued by the Agency for Assessing Knowledge and Skills will be paid a 50% bonus.
For certificates of the native language and literature (Uzbek language and literature, Russian language and literature, Karakalpak language and literature) issued by the Knowledge and Qualification Assessment Agency, a 50% bonus is paid. Here:
- Teachers who teach in schools where the language of instruction is Uzbek for the certificate of the Uzbek language and literature in the subject of native language and literature;
- Teachers of schools with Russian language of instruction are required to study the subject of native language (Russian language) and literature for a certificate of Russian language and literature;
Teachers teaching in schools with Karakalpak language of instruction are paid a bonus for lessons in the subject of native language (Karakalpak language) and literature for a certificate of Karakalpak language and literature.
In other words, based on the requirements of the aforementioned Decree, teachers teaching subjects considered native language and literature will be paid a 50 percent bonus for their subject hours.
In addition, teachers teaching the native language in primary education will be paid a 50% bonus for the following subject hours by class:
- In the 1st grade, in the 1st and 2nd quarters of the academic year, 4 hours of "Alifbe," 4 hours of "Writing," 4 hours of "Native Language," 4 hours of "Reading Literacy";
- "Native Language" for 4 hours in grades 2-4, "Reading Literacy" for 3 hours.
For reference: Teachers of the Uzbek language (state language) (for all related languages) will be paid a bonus of 20% of their tariff rate. Teachers who teach the Uzbek language (state language) will not be paid a 50% bonus.
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