Can the candidate of the teacher who was recommended for the ministerial allowance last year be given this year?

One teacher participated in the minister's allowance last year and failed to pass without collecting the necessary points. The second teacher collects the necessary points and brings the minister's bonus.
This year, both teachers' candidates have been given their names by the school's teachers' departments to the city MMT department. Question: According to the regulations, teachers should be recommended once every few years?
According to the Regulation "On the Minister's Fund," approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 425 of August 2, 2022, the Ministry of Preschool and School Education determines the limited number of qualified teaching staff in the republic to be paid a monthly ministerial allowance.
Within 30 days after the quotas are approved, a list of candidates three times more than the quota established for the corresponding district (city) in each direction will be submitted to the Ministry of Preschool and School Education (Working Group).
In this case, it does not matter how many times the candidates of pedagogical workers were recommended for the post of minister.
That is, both teachers who bring the ministerial allowance every year, and teachers whose candidates have been recommended and who have not received the allowance can be nominated as candidates for this year's ministerial allowance.
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