From the new academic year, the subject of initial pre-conscription training will be taught for two hours per week.

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From the new academic year, the subject of initial pre-conscription training will be taught for two hours per week.

12:27 / 23.02.2025 940

By the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated November 15, 2024 No. PP-393, starting from the 2025/2026 academic year, it is planned to introduce a new system to increase the prestige of the subject of pre-conscription initial training in general secondary educational organizations (Presidential, creative, specialized educational institutions).

The decree stipulates that, starting from the 2025/2026 academic year, the subject of pre-conscription initial training will be taught in educational institutions for two hours per week.

In this case, the basic curriculum includes an additional load of one hour per week for grades 10-11.

Also, by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated November 4, 2024, No. PP-381 "On Measures for the Further Development and Popularization of Shooting Sports," schools were allowed to use military training grounds.

According to the decree, starting from the 2025/2026 academic year, practical classes "Tactical and Technical Characteristics of Firearms and Pneumatic Sports Weapons" will be introduced in general secondary educational institutions within the curriculum of the subject of pre-conscription initial training. That is, now schoolchildren will undergo practical training in firearm shooting.

At the same time, general secondary educational institutions are allowed, on a gratuitous basis, to use the educational and material base of assigned military units, institutions, and military training grounds at their permanent location when organizing practical classes on the tactical and technical characteristics of firearms and pneumatic sports weapons.

In educational institutions, classes on the curriculum of the subject "Pre-conscription Initial Training" are conducted jointly with boys and girls.

On the days of one-day practical classes with boys in graduating classes at military training grounds, girls are involved in spiritual and educational activities in the educational institution.

In educational institutions, the subject plan for pre-conscription initial training is developed for the entire academic year, broken down by weeks, and classes are conducted with their inclusion in the general class schedule.

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Author of the article

Ulugbek Pulatov

Ulugbek Pulatov

Project founder


  • Military training teacher
