Students are legally prohibited from using smartphones during classes - Kazakhstan

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Students are legally prohibited from using smartphones during classes - Kazakhstan

20:00 / 28.02.2024 3.45k
Kazakhstan is introducing a legal ban on the use of smartphones by schoolchildren during classes. reports that President Kasim-Jomart Tokayev signed the relevant law.

With the decision "On issues of education, upbringing and children's safety", a new norm is included in the Law "On Education" of Kazakhstan. Now the following norm is added to the clause of students' rights and obligations:
"In general secondary educational institutions, pupils and students are not allowed to use mobile communication devices during the educational process, except for cases provided for educational purposes in short-term curricula."
Prohibition of students from using smartphones during the lesson is based on the fact that it is necessary for the students and the teacher not to be distracted during the lesson.

In December of last year, the Minister of Public Education of Kazakhstan, Ghani Beysembayev, stated that smartphones distract children from the educational process.
"This measure was taken as a result of applications and complaints of parents and teachers. We also emphasize that the use of smartphones is prohibited only during class. Students can contact their parents by mobile phone outside of class. This is only a restriction during the lesson," Minister Ghani Beysembaev explained.
The new law will enter into force 60 calendar days after its first official publication.

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"Xalq ta'limi Info"

"Xalq ta'limi Info"



  • Kazakhstan
  • Mobile phone
