Should financial support be given to a teaching staff by calendar year?

12:30 / 03.03.2024
The spouse of one of our teachers died on November 26, 2023, but he is applying for financial assistance on February 28, 2024. Thank you in advance for your answer. Because it is said that financial aid should be given according to the calendar year.
On the procedure for the organization of the director's fund for encouraging exemplary employees of general secondary educational institutions and the procedure for using its funds, approved by the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 823 of September 30, 2019 Article 33 of the regulation states that "financial aid to employees of general educational institutions is up to the amount of two positions' salary (teacher's tariff rate) during the calendar year when the employee himself and a close relative (father, mother, spouse, child) die, It is shown when the employee suffers from a serious illness, is damaged by a natural disaster. marked as
In this case, it should not be concluded that if a limited amount of financial aid is determined during one calendar year, it should not be given when the financial aid is transferred to a new calendar year.
I can express my opinion on this norm in the following two ways:
the first: if we understand that financial assistance is provided only during the calendar year, it will not be provided if it passes into the new year, for example, in connection with the death of a close relative on 12.30.2023, it follows that there will be no right to receive financial assistance on 01.05.2024, this logically incorrect;
the second: if an employee needs to receive financial assistance due to certain reasons during one calendar year, he should only be given financial assistance in the amount not exceeding the salary of two positions, and this is correct.
To conclude, if a person is requesting financial assistance in January or February 2024 due to the death of his spouse on 26.11.2023, his refusal on the pretext that the calendar year has begun is an obstacle to ensuring this right of the employee. it can.
The question was answered by Shavkat Khamrakulov, a lawyer and an expert of the "People's Education Info" project.
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14:00 / 06.03.2025
A limit has been set on the amount of material assistance provided to teachers.

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News on the topic

A limit has been set on the amount of material assistance provided to teachers.
From now on, the total amount of material assistance will not be allowed to exceed twice the amount of the teacher's tariff rate.
14:00 / 06.03.2025

If the teacher's spouse is seriously ill, will he be financially supported?
Financial assistance is provided to employees of general education institutions when a close relative is seriously ill.
09:00 / 29.04.2024
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