How are the weekly study hours allocated for the subject of a foreign language distributed?

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How are the weekly study hours allocated for the subject of a foreign language distributed?

08:00 / 02.05.2024 4.19k
As you know, by order of the Minister of Pre-school and School Education No. 94 dated March 3, 2024, the basic curriculum for the 2024-2025 school year for general secondary schools was approved.

According to it, the weekly study hours allocated for the subject of a foreign language are divided as follows:
  • 1 hour in the 1st grade;
  • 2 hours in grades 2-4;
  • 4 hours in grades 5-6;
  • 3 hours in grades 7-10;
  • It is taught for 2 hours in the 11th grade.

Starting from the 2024-2025 academic year, the foreign language subject will gradually increase in intensity in the 5th-9th grades and focus on the formation of basic knowledge and speaking skills in students and the development of academic writing and speaking skills in the 10th-11th grades.

When teaching one of the foreign (English, German, French and other) languages as a foreign language subject in general secondary educational institutions, it is necessary to take into account the demands of parents and the wishes of students, as well as the presence of a qualified teacher in this subject in the educational institution.

In this case, the Supervisory Board of the general secondary educational institution applies to the Pedagogical Council of the educational institution with a request to teach one of the foreign languages (English, German, French, and others) chosen by them as a foreign language subject based on the demand of the parents and the wishes of the students.

This appeal will be discussed by the Pedagogical Council of the educational institution, and the council will decide whether to teach this subject as a foreign language or not to teach it, given the reasons.

Based on this decision, one of the foreign languages (English, German, French and others) is taught as a foreign language subject in a general education school or in a certain class.

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"Xalq ta'limi Info"

"Xalq ta'limi Info"



  • Lesson distribution
  • Foreign language
