School management and teachers will be given up to 40% bonus

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School management and teachers will be given up to 40% bonus

07:00 / 07.05.2024 24.64k
Now, up to 40% bonus will be given to the management and teachers of general secondary schools, which are achieving positive results in providing quality education.

According to the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 263 dated May 6, 2024, from the 2024/2025 academic year, general secondary schools, whose students are recording positive indicators, have effectively introduced a new procedure for teaching and evaluating knowledge. The procedure for giving bonuses to the management and teachers of the regional schools will be introduced.

Starting from the 2023/2024 academic year, 2 schools will be attached to each of the 500 general secondary schools in the republic, where the new system of teaching and knowledge assessment has been introduced, starting from the 2024/2025 academic year, and the scope of the new system is expanded.

The list of general secondary education schools whose management and teachers are recommended to be promoted is published at the end of each academic year, and during the next academic year, the management and teachers of this school are subject to the tariff rate. A discount of up to 40 percent is given.

The formation of the list of general education schools, where bonuses are paid to the head and pedagogic personnel, is carried out on the basis of a special methodology. In order to form a list of general education schools for which the head and pedagogic personnel are paid a bonus, Monitoring groups will be formed, which will work permanently in the regional offices of the Ministry of Pre-school and School Education.

The composition of the monitoring group is approved by the order of the Minister of Preschool and School Education. Members of the Board of Directors and active members of the public, specialists of the republican scientific-methodological center for the development of education, and foreign experts may be involved in the monitoring group.

The formation of the list of general education schools, where bonuses are paid to the head and pedagogic personnel, is carried out in the following two stages:

In the 1st stage, the monitoring group will analyze the annual average grades of students of general education schools based on the electronic journal data of the schools where the new evaluation procedure has been introduced, and the first 20 schools with the best results compared to the total number of general education schools of the respective region will be analyzed. percent secondary schools are selected.

In the 2nd stage, the secondary schools selected in the 1st stage are analyzed by the Monitoring Group based on the following criteria:

  • the promotion of the new evaluation procedure was carried out and the students' knowledge was evaluated based on the established criteria;
  • the correct implementation of assessment works;
  • analysis of BSB analysis of methodological associations by subject areas and project work performed by students;
  • conducting surveys and their analysis.

The monitoring group forms a regional list of secondary schools where the new assessment procedure has been introduced, based on the total points collected in two stages.

  • 20 percent of general education schools selected at the end of the 1st stage and analyzed in the 2nd stage will receive bonuses in the following amounts depending on the total points scored by these schools in the two stages:

  • 40 percent to the first 5 percent of general education schools that showed the best results in the sequence of scores compared to the total number of analyzed schools;

  • 30 percent to the next 10 percent of general education schools that showed the best results in the sequence of scores compared to the total number of analyzed schools;

  • 20 percent to the next 15 percent of general education schools that showed the best results in the order of scores compared to the total number of analyzed schools;

  • 10 percent to the rest of the analyzed general education schools.

In this case, the bonus is paid for one calendar year starting from the academic year (September 1) following the academic year in which the assessment was conducted.

In order to receive a bonus, the leaders and pedagogues of general education schools must have worked full-time during the academic year (during the I-IV quarters) during which the assessment was conducted.

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Author of the article

Ulugbek Pulatov

Ulugbek Pulatov

Project founder


  • surcharge
  • incentive
