Can a husband and wife work as deputy principals at a school?

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Can a husband and wife work as deputy principals at a school?

16:40 / 15.07.2024 8.06k
It is forbidden for close relatives to work in the same organization. This is provided for in Article 121 of the Labor Code.

According to this:

It is prohibited for persons who are closely related to each other or related on the father's side (parents, brothers, sisters, sons, daughters, spouses, as well as parents, brothers, sisters and children of the spouses) to serve together in the same state organization, if their joint service is related to the direct subordination of one of them to the other or is under their supervision.

However, there are exceptions to this rule. That is, by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers dated March 11, 1997 No. 133, exceptions were established for pedagogical staff, teachers, bibliographers and librarians in all educational institutions.

This means that close relatives, such as the employee's spouse, son, daughter, can work together as a teacher, teacher, bibliographer or librarian at school.

In the above case, the husband is the deputy director for economic affairs, the wife is the deputy director for educational affairs of the director. That is, they are not pedagogical employees, but managerial employees.

In this case, their joint service does not depend on whether one of them is directly subordinate to the other or under his control. That is, they are both subordinate to the school director.

If the husband worked as a school director and the woman as his deputy, it would be against the Labor Code. But in the above case, both are substitutes.

In conclusion, a husband and wife can work as deputy directors in state organizations, including a school owned by the state. This does not contradict Article 121 of the Labor Code.

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Author of the article

Ulugbek Pulatov

Ulugbek Pulatov

Project founder


  • Deputy director
  • Labor law
