Teachers teaching the subjects "Natural Science," "Education," "Computer Science" are paid in accordance with the qualification category

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Teachers teaching the subjects "Natural Science," "Education," "Computer Science" are paid in accordance with the qualification category

09:46 / 08.08.2024 5.27k

It is known that in many cases, there are various misunderstandings regarding the definition of qualification categories for teaching staff in the disciplines "Natural Science," "Education," "Computer Science and Information Technology."

Therefore, in order to prevent different interpretations of these rules, the order of the Ministry of Preschool and School Education dated May 27, 2024 No. 168 was signed.

This order states the following:

Teachers of "Elementary Education" in elementary grades in the subjects "Natural Science," "Education" and "Computer Science and Information Technologies";

Teachers of the subjects "Geography," "Biology," and "Physics" in grades 5-6 in the subjects "Natural Science";

Teachers specializing in "History," "Ideas of National Independence and Law" are allowed to teach "Education" in grades 5-11.


Teachers of the subjects "Elementary Education," "Geography," "Biology" and "Physics" who teach "Natural Science" in accordance with the current qualification category;

Teachers specializing in "History," "Ideas of National Independence and Law," who teach the subject "Education" in grades 5-11, are paid in accordance with the current qualification category in the absence of a qualification category for the subject "Education."

If teachers who have the right to teach the subject "Education" have both the qualification categories "Education" and the corresponding subjects, then when teaching the subject "Education," only the qualification category for this subject is applied and paid accordingly.

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Author of the article

Ulugbek Pulatov

Ulugbek Pulatov

Project founder


  • Qualification category
