How much salary will teachers receive from October 1?

In accordance with the relevant decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the salary of teachers working in preschool, general education, secondary specialized, professional and extracurricular educational institutions and organizations working in budgetary organizations, "Muruvvat" boarding houses, children's and orphanages, children's sanatoriums is set to be increased by 15 percent.
When calculating the increased salaries, teachers and other employees receive the following salaries:
School principal:
- 4 million 696 thousand 805 soums (up to 400 students);
- 5 million 015 thousand 054 soums (up to 401-880 students);
- 5 million 317 thousand 901 soums (up to 881-1600 students);
- 5 million 625 thousand 394 soums (more than 1,600);
Deputy Directors: (ODIHR, ODIHR)
- 4 million 386 thousand 677 soums (up to 400 students);
- 4 million 696 thousand 805 soums (up to 401-880 students);
- 5 million 015 thousand 054 soums (up to 881 - 1600 students);
- 5 million 317 thousand 901 soums (more than 1,600);
Deputy Director for Economic Affairs:*
- 1 million 779 thousand 871 soums (up to 400 students);
- 2 million 30 thousand 275 soums (up to 401-880 students);
- 2 million 111 thousand 025 soums (up to 881 - 1600 students);
- 2 million 286 thousand 447 soums (more than 1,600);
Head of the SPB:**
- Specialist - 3 million 390 thousand 824 soums;
- Second category - 3 million 796 thousand 213 soums;
- First category - 4 million 230 thousand 138 soums;
- Higher category - 4 million 674 thousand 594 soums;
- Psychologist with higher education - 3 million 051 thousand 742 soums;
- Psychologist of the second category - 3 million 268 thousand 047 soums;
- First category psychologist - 3 million 489 thousand 865 soums;
- Psychologist of the highest category - 3 million 702 thousand 280 soums;
- Teacher with secondary specialized education - 3 million 169 thousand 623 soums;
- Teacher with higher education - 3 million 390 thousand 824 soums;
- Teacher of the second category - 3 million 796 thousand 213 soums;
- First category teacher - 4 million 230 thousand 138 soums;
- Higher category teacher - 4 million 674 thousand 594 soums;
School laborer: ****
- 1 million 604 thousand 647 soums;
HR Manager:*****
- 1 million 598 thousand;
Librarian: ******
- Secondary specialized education - 2 million 135 thousand 861 soums;
- Higher education - 2 million 330 thousand 402 soums;
- Secondary specialized education - 1 million 852 thousand 107 soums;
- Higher education - 1 million 949 thousand 589 soums.
* The deputy director for economic affairs is not a teacher, therefore their salary is calculated in an amount increased by 10%.
**Starting from January 15, 2024, a procedure has been established for assigning a qualification category to the heads of the PPSS, as well as to teachers of other subjects. Therefore, their monthly salary also varies depending on the qualification category.
* * * The monthly salary of psychologists also varies according to the qualification category. Currently, a professional standard for psychologists has been developed.
**** The school laborer is not a teacher, so their salary is calculated at a 10% increase.
***** The HR manager is not a teacher, so their salary is calculated at a 10% increase.
Monthly salaries of preschool education staff
- Group I - 3 million 180 thousand 878 soums;
- Group II - 2,964,410 soums;
Language teachers, defectologist teacher, speech therapist teacher, teacher of state preschool educational organization:
- Secondary specialized education - 2 million 147 thousand 695 soums;
- Higher education - 3 million 390 thousand 824 soums;
- Second category - 3 million 796 thousand 213 soums;
- First category - 4 million 230 thousand 138 soums;
- Higher category - 4 million 674 thousand 594 soums;
Educators in a group with higher education (from 5 to 6-7 years old):
- Secondary specialized education - 2 million 147 thousand 695 soums;
- Higher education - 3 million 390 thousand 824 soums;
- Second category - 3 million 796 thousand 213 soums;
- First category - 4 million 230 thousand 138 soums;
- Higher category - 4 million 674 thousand 594 soums;
Methodist teacher, educator:
- Secondary specialized education - 1 million 983 thousand 154 soums;
- Higher education - 3 million 390 thousand 824 soums;
- Second category - 3 million 796 thousand 213 soums;
- First category - 4 million 230 thousand 138 soums;
- Higher category - 4 million 674 thousand 594 soums;
- Secondary specialized education - 2 million 147 thousand 695 soums;
- Higher education - 3 million 082 thousand 568 soums;
- Second category - 3 million 301 thousand 058 soums;
- First category - 3 million 525 thousand 119 soums;
- Higher category - 3 million 739 thousand 676 soums;
Music worker, choreographer, coach of all specialties:
- Secondary specialized education - 1 million 659 thousand 941 soums;
- Higher education - 1 million 825 thousand 369 soums;
- Second category - 1 million 999 thousand 330 soums;
- First category - 2 million 181 thousand 627 soums;
- Higher category - 2 million 371 thousand 485 soums;
Assistant educator with higher or secondary specialized, professional pedagogical education:
- 1 million 731 thousand 187 soums;
Assistant educator with higher, secondary special, vocational non-pedagogical and general secondary education:
- 1 million 442 thousand 655 soums.
* The basic tariff rate of the director of a state preschool educational organization is determined based on the group of organizations. In this case, state preschool educational organizations with 9 or more groups are group I, and state preschool educational organizations with up to 8 groups are group II.
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A limit has been set on the amount of material assistance provided to teachers.

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