The President re-examined proposals on education

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The President re-examined proposals on education

08:36 / 05.09.2024 6.34k

Shavkat Mirziyoyev familiarized himself with education-related proposals for the third time in 2024 alone. This time, Minister Hilola Umarova presented proposals for the development of preschool education.

In particular, to expand coverage, it is planned to allow the construction of kindergartens on vacant school lands through public-private partnerships.

Educational and methodological materials developed based on the state program are not complete in all kindergartens. Non-governmental institutions are using internet resources. Therefore, it is now planned to make all programs available on the website of the Ministry of Preschool and School Education for free use.

In advanced foreign practices, children's mental and cognitive potential, as well as their physical, mental, and social states are constantly monitored to guide their upbringing. Based on this, the task is set to maintain a "Child Development Map" in the preschool education management information system.

The majority of kindergarten teachers have secondary specialized education. Currently, professional development occurs once every five years. To accelerate this process, it is planned to hold "Methodical Mastery Hour" and "Methodical Mastery Day" events between qualification courses.

It is also proposed to introduce dual education in higher education in this field and to increase target quotas for part-time and evening studies.

Currently, attendance and food expenses in state kindergartens are recorded on paper. Now there is a requirement to digitize reports using biometric identification technology.

The presentation also discussed measures to improve work with talented youth.

In recent years, the system of training and incentives in this area has changed significantly. It was noted that in 2022, students from Uzbekistan won 45 medals at international science Olympiads, and this year the number reached 113.

To thoroughly prepare them and increase effectiveness, participants of international subject Olympiads will be selected starting from grades 5-8. Curricula, literature, methodological recommendations, and manuals for each subject will be improved and provided to students and coaches. Foreign specialists will be invited to join the national teams, and joint training camps with foreign teams will be held.

Currently, students who have won in 22 international and regional science Olympiads are awarded cash prizes. The number of Olympiads eligible for awards will now be increased to 28. Students, their teachers, and the heads of national teams who have won republican and international Olympiads will be exempt from income tax on their prizes and gifts.

The head of state studied the proposals carefully and gave instructions for their comprehensive improvement.

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Author of the article

Ulugbek Pulatov

Ulugbek Pulatov

Project founder


  • Shavkat Mirziyoyev
  • Khilola Umarova
