Starting from the 2024/2025 academic year, Olympiads in the subject of "Law" have been held

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Starting from the 2024/2025 academic year, Olympiads in the subject of "Law" have been held

15:07 / 10.08.2024 8.15k

By Resolution No. 532 of the Cabinet of Ministers dated August 27, 2024, measures were established to implement a continuous system of legal education in state educational institutions.

According to it, it was decided to conduct the "Legal Scholar" subject Olympiad among students and the "Best Law Teacher" competition among law teachers.

This resolution introduced amendments to the regulations on organizing and conducting subject Olympiads among general secondary school students, and the subject "Fundamentals of State and Law" was added to the list of subjects for which the main Olympiad will be held.

Additionally, the following were established:

  • Organizing the "Young Lawyer" competition among students of general secondary educational institutions, academic lyceums, and vocational schools;

  • Organizing the "Legal Intellect" intellectual game;

  • Establishing "Law Classes" equipped with modern visual teaching aids based on varied curricula with in-depth study of the subject "Fundamentals of State and Law."

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"Xalq ta'limi Info"

"Xalq ta'limi Info"



  • Olympics
