Will the results of the Al-Khwarizmi Olympiad affect the bonus?

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Will the results of the Al-Khwarizmi Olympiad affect the bonus?

15:59 / 10.03.2025 3.65k


Will the results of students from the recently held Al-Khwarizmi Science Olympiad be taken into account when awarding points to teachers for bonuses?

To fully answer the question, we found it necessary to provide detailed information about the Al-Khwarizmi Olympiad in exact and natural sciences (science).


The Al-Khwarizmi Olympiad in exact and natural sciences (science) is organized based on mathematics and natural sciences (physics, chemistry, biology combined), and this Olympiad is held among students in grades 7-8.

Currently, the Al-Khwarizmi Olympiad in exact and natural sciences (science) begins in the form of a complex local Olympiad, in which students of grades 7-8 from district (city) schools participate.

This Olympiad will be organized in 5 subjects (physics, chemistry, biology, computer science, and mathematics). In this case, physics, chemistry, and biology are separated as natural sciences, while computer science and mathematics are taught as exact sciences at regional and regional levels.

Only in parallel with this was the Al-Khwarizmi Olympiad in exact sciences (informatics and mathematics) transformed into an international Olympiad.

That is, if the Olympiad in natural sciences (physics, chemistry, biology) concludes with the school, district (city), regional and republican stage, then in the field of exact sciences (informatics and mathematics) after the completion of the regional stage, the republican stage will not be held, but will be held in the form of an international Olympiad.

Thus, the natural sciences (science) section of the Al-Khwarizmi Olympiad concludes at the republican level, while the exact sciences (informatics and mathematics) section concludes at the international level.

Will the results of this Olympiad be the basis for awarding points for bonuses?

According to the "Criteria for Evaluating the Activities of Teachers, Psychologists, and Library Staff," approved by Cabinet of Ministers Resolution No. 823 of September 30, 2019, points are awarded for the participation of a student of a teacher in the district (city) stage of competitions.

In this case, based on the results of students, the teacher is awarded the following points:

  • 10 points - when students participate in competitions and other events at the district (city) level and show results above 55 percent of the lowest winner's score;

  • when students participate in competitions and other events at the district (city) level and show results above 70% of the lowest winner's score - 20 points;

  • when students participate in district (city) competitions and other events and take 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places - 30 points.

In this case, the list of subject Olympiads, reviews, competitions, and events that are taken into account when establishing bonuses is annually approved by the Ministry of Preschool and School Education.

As is known, the list of subject Olympiads, competitions, contests, and events recommended for consideration when establishing monthly bonuses to the basic tariff rates of teachers in general education institutions for the 2024-2025 academic year was approved by the instruction letter of the Ministry of Preschool and School Education dated February 14, 2024, No. 03-01/14-623.

The list also includes the Al-Khwarizmi International Olympiad in Mathematics and Informatics. However, as we can see, only the results of the Al-Khwarizmi International Olympiad in Mathematics and Informatics will be taken into account in the list.

If students achieve results in the field of natural sciences (physics, chemistry, biology) of the Al-Khwarizmi Olympiad in exact and natural sciences (science), teachers will not be awarded points for bonuses.

For this, students must have achieved results in the exact sciences (mathematics and computer science) of the Al-Khwarizmi Olympiad in exact and natural sciences.

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Author of the article

Ulugbek Pulatov

Ulugbek Pulatov

Project founder


  • Olympics
  • surcharge
