The President got acquainted with the updated Institute of Advanced Training named after A.Avloni

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The President got acquainted with the updated Institute of Advanced Training named after A.Avloni

16:19 / 30.09.2024 3.26k

As you know, the National Institute of Pedagogical Mastery named after Abdulla Avloni, located in the Almazar district of Tashkent, has been reconstructed. The institute was renovated on the basis of completely new, modern technologies.

The complex underwent a major renovation and two additional buildings were built, all of which were modernly equipped. The number of listeners and directions has increased. Most importantly, the qualification system has been enriched in content.

The institute was opened 90 years ago, in 1934. In this regard, a museum has been established here. It reflects the education system founded by Abdulla Avloni, textbooks and stage works of that time, and the stages of development of general education. The image of the enlightened Jadids was embodied using artificial intelligence. There is also a library with a book fund of almost 88,000 books. The head of state inspected this museum and library.

The institution has introduced traditional, alternative and dual forms of professional development and retraining, including training based on artificial intelligence technologies. The situational classroom is connected via video communication with pedagogical mastery centers in the Republic of Karakalpakstan and regions.

Software platforms such as continuous professional education, management training courses, teacher certification and qualification categories, and preschool and school education management have been implemented. This will allow for the rapid training of directors and teachers in the regions in new pedagogical technologies and methods.

Today, a school principal should be not only an experienced teacher, but also a good manager, in a sense, a strategist. The institute's curriculum pays great attention to this, and a school of directors has been established.

In inclusive education and psychology classrooms, the qualifications of defectologists and educators working in this direction will be improved. Video lessons are filmed in the media studio. The institute also has a conference hall, computer and seminar rooms, a kitchen and facilities.

Based on modern educational requirements, the number of study hours at the institute has been increased. In order to create decent conditions for teachers, the dormitory was modernly renovated and the number of beds was increased.

The President visited these rooms and got acquainted with new amenities and opportunities.

"This institute should be a propagandist, a leader, not a waitress. It is necessary to increase the quality of all schools by inviting more teachers and directors from the regions. People of the new era, creators of our future, are brought up in school. There is no future without education," Shavkat Mirziyoyev said.

Instructions were given on training teachers and mentors who teach here abroad, harmonizing the best practices of the world.

Over the past period of this year, about 4.3 thousand heads of educational institutions have advanced their qualifications at the institute. Also, about 2,000 directors and candidates for directors were trained in management courses. More than 113,000 teachers participated in classes through the "Continuous Professional Education" platform.

The Singapore International Education Organization has retrained 100 school principals and 200 mathematics and natural science teachers. The Center for International Studies has also started its work within the structure of the institute.

In general, a continuous system of retraining and advanced training of managerial, pedagogical and specialist personnel of preschool and school educational organizations will be established. Starting from 2025, they will be trained once every five years with dismissal.

In addition, "Hour of Professional Development" and "Day of Professional Development" will be introduced in general secondary education institutions. The best practices accumulated in Presidential schools will be widely applied to general secondary education institutions through a system of continuous professional development.

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Author of the article

Ulugbek Pulatov

Ulugbek Pulatov

Project founder


  • Shavkat Mirziyoyev
  • Training
