There are many types of teacher bonuses, but how much of them do teachers use? This question remains a pressing issue for every teacher working in the education system. The reality is that the existing bonuses are not fully available for various reasons or teachers are unable to use them adequately.
In the 4th issue of the break podcast, we tried to shed more light on this issue. Laziz Khojakulov, an official of the Ministry of Preschool and School Education, was our guest and answered the most important questions about the allowances for teachers.
During the podcast, Laziz Khojakulov explained in detail about the types of bonuses available, how they can be obtained, and what steps teachers should take to fully utilize these opportunities.
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News on the topic
Will the teacher get points for the bonus if the students get a place in the five-initiative Olympiad?
For this, the teacher can be awarded from 10 to 30 points
If a teacher has two certificates, will the bonus be paid for both?
Premiums are paid according to a certificate that gives the right to receive a higher premium
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Payment of salaries to teachers in June-August became a problem
What types of bonuses are given to school teaching staff?
Depending on the results achieved by the teaching staff, various bonuses are assigned to them.
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