How much money is allocated from the budget for preschool and school education in 2025?

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How much money is allocated from the budget for preschool and school education in 2025?

21:26 / 30.10.2024 3.82k

The draft Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On the State Budget of the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2025" and the Budget were submitted to the committees of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

According to it, it is planned to allocate a total of 70 trillion soums for the expenses of preschool and school education organizations in 2025. (Budget)

It is forecasted that the total costs of secondary education will amount to 54 trillion soums or 22.9% increase compared to the expected implementation in 2024 and will make up 15.7% of the total costs of the State budget.

These costs are mainly directed to provide quality education to 6,800,000 students (207,000 more than last academic year) in more than 10,000 general secondary education organizations.

The draft Law "On the State Budget of the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2025" provides for the allocation of more than 59 trillion soums to the Ministry of Preschool and School Education, and in the Budget, this amount is 70 trillion 'm shown.

Funds are allocated to the following areas:

Costs for development programs - 6 trillion 631 billion 679 million;

Costs related to updating textbooks in general secondary educational institutions - 1 trillion 300 billion;

Formation of funds for the support of educational reforms - 250 billion;

Formation of funds of the fund of the minister of preschool and school education - 120 billion;

Costs for updating outdated computer classrooms in schools - 200 billion;

Expenditures for providing sports equipment for pre-school and school institutions under the Ministry of Education - 62 billion 79 million;

Costs of attracting foreign teachers - 250 billion;

Costs for providing general education schools with national musical instruments - 50 billion;

Provision of state preschool education organizations with didactic materials - 40 billion;

The costs of purchasing tablets for state pre-school education organizations - 50 billion;

Funds for organizing clubs in general education schools and attracting children of families included in the "Register of Poor Families" to them - 500 billion;

Subsidies for preschool education organizations established on the basis of public-private partnership - 3 trillion 809 billion 600 million;

Capital investments for design, construction (reconstruction) and equipment of facilities - 4 trillion 10 billion.

In 2025, it is planned to allocate 15.8 trillion soums from the state budget for the financing of MTTs, or 15% more than the expected implementation in 2024.

These costs will be directed to provide quality preschool education to more than 1 million 411 thousand (165 thousand more in 2022) children in 6,893 state MTT.

3.8 trillion soums from the State budget in 2025 (2.4 Trln soums) subsidy funds are planned to be allocated.

As a result, it is predicted that in 2025, about 846 thousand children will be covered by non-state preschool education organizations.

Due to year-by-year increase of the funds allocated for feeding expenses in state MTTs and the establishment of incentives for parental allowance payments in some districts, the feeding expenses in 2025 compared to 2022 will be 1.6 times (including parental allowance payments) ), where it is forecasted that the cost of feeding will increase by 2 times due to budget funds, and it is planned to allocate about 2.5 trillion soums from the budget for these purposes.

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Author of the article

Ulugbek Pulatov

Ulugbek Pulatov

Project founder


  • Education policy
  • State budget
