It was noted that it is necessary to monitor the teacher's lessons on a video camera and pay a salary based on the rating

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It was noted that it is necessary to monitor the teacher's lessons on a video camera and pay a salary based on the rating

01:01 / 01.12.2024 5.95k

Alisher Kadyrov, who said that teachers who did not teach children well should be paid less, said that he also agrees to allocate more money to teachers, and said that the qualification category should be removed from the middle altogether, the teachers should watch the lesson on a video camera and determine their salary according to the rating.

The proposal of Alisher Kadyrov, the leader of the Democratic Party "Milliy Tiklanish," who spoke at the meeting of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis, that teachers who do not give children a good education should be paid less, caused many discussions.

After that, another deputy from the "Milliy Tiklanish" party, Azamat Pardayev, expressed his attitude to the situation and said that Alisher Kadyrov's comments expressed at the meeting of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis were taken out of context and misinterpreted.

"As they say, "The world is the wisdom of those seeking wisdom," in fact, the main content of Alisher Kadyrov's thoughts was the interests of society, the guarantees of the future generation's rights to quality education, and the rational and effective use of state budget funds.

At the same time, the party's faction in the Legislative Chamber has a clear position on further increasing the material interest of teachers," Azamat Pardaev said.

It became known that the issue of teachers' salaries was also raised at the meeting of the Democratic Party "Milliy Tiklanish" on November 25, the day before the meeting of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis.

At this meeting, the party leader Alisher Kadirov asked the deputy minister of preschool and school education whether they believe that the highest category gives a real indicator, and put forward the proposal that it is necessary to remove the qualification category from the middle, monitor the teachers' lesson on a video camera and give a salary according to the rating.

"We are not saying much about the allocation of money to teachers. We even agree to more than that, there's no question! If the teacher is receiving, it should be honest, it should be correct. However, it is necessary to consider this fund from the perspective of efficiency.

You are dividing them into categories, into three categories: the highest category, the middle category. Do you believe that the highest class is giving a real score? A truly great teacher, regardless of his category, should be paid a great salary by eliminating the category altogether.

Teachers who are unable to cope with competition, who do not deserve anything but to beat, beat, kick, for example, insult a student, should break down from the competition and leave the school. Now such teachers are getting a salary like a horse's head because they are good with the director. But at the same school, a great teacher is getting a low salary, because he can't get a category.

Watch the lesson of a good teacher on a video camera and say "he is a good teacher" and give him his salary according to the rating, like a horse's head. In terms of efficiency, why is the Ministry of Economy and Finance not looking at this?" - Alisher Kadyrov said.

For reference: After this article published on the website, we tried to give word-for-word the thoughts of Alisher Kadyrov in the video posted on the official Telegram page of the party leader, so as not to think that his thoughts were taken out of the context and interpreted incorrectly.

Full information about the meeting of the faction of the Democratic Party "Milliy Tiklanish" on November 25 this year was not available on the party's official pages.

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Ulugbek Pulatov

Ulugbek Pulatov

Project founder


  • Monthly salary
  • State budget
