Don't teachers get a salary for holidays?

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Don't teachers get a salary for holidays?

16:37 / 29.12.2024 15.25k


On the occasion of the New Year holiday, educators will take 5 consecutive days off. Now, will our salary in December and January decrease due to these weekends?


Today, many teachers are asking whether their salaries will be reduced due to the holidays on the eve of the New Year.

As is known, in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. UP-213 of December 22, 2023, "On the establishment of additional non-working days during the celebration of official dates in 2024 and the transfer of weekends" and the Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. PP-452 of December 24, 2024, those working with a 5-day working week will be resting for 6 consecutive days, and those working with a 6-day working week will be resting for 5 consecutive days. January 3 is a working day for all employees, regardless of the type of working week. For 5-day-olds, Saturday, January 4, is also a working day.

In this case, the days off are set as follows:

  • Sunday, December 29, is a regular weekend for everyone;

  • Monday, December 30, is an additional day off for those working for 6 days, and for those working for 5 days, it is a day off shifted from December 14 (Saturday);

  • Tuesday, December 31 - an additional day off for all;

  • January 1, Wednesday - New Year's Day;

  • January 2, Thursday, is an additional day off for those working for 6 days, and for those working for 5 days, it is a day off shifted from January 4 (Saturday).

According to Part 4 of Article 249 of the Labor Code, employees are paid on time, on a contractual basis or according to other criteria provided for in the system of remuneration.

In this case, monthly wages will not decrease due to additional days off in the time-based payment system. For example, whether a teacher works 22 working days or 20 working days for 1 month, their monthly salary does not decrease.

What about the salaries of full-time teachers?

In a piece-rate payment system, monthly wages may decrease due to additional days off. Because in this case, employees are paid based on labor norms (time norms).

According to Article 277 of the Labor Code, in the bargaining system of remuneration, prices are determined based on the established work grades, wage grades, tariff rates (wages) and working norms (time norms).

The bargain price is determined by dividing the daily tariff rate or hourly tariff rate, corresponding to the grade of the work performed, by the daily or hourly rate of work. The bargain price may also be determined by multiplying the daily tariff rate or hourly tariff rate corresponding to the grade of the work performed by the established daily or hourly time rate.

The daily tariff rate (wage) or hourly tariff rate shall be determined by dividing the monthly tariff rate or official salary corresponding to the wage rate by the monthly rate of working days or hours.

For example, in the field of education, hourly wages depend on the number of hours spent by the teacher. That is, the salary of teachers who teach by the hour will depend on the number of hours spent. Therefore, the salaries of teachers who teach by the hour may be reduced due to additional weekends.

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Author of the article

Muhammadamin Karimjonov

Muhammadamin Karimjonov



  • Salary
