A mother who begged without involving her children in education was held accountable.

On March 11 of this year, at approximately 9:30 p.m., in the Mirabad district of the city of Tashkent, Kh.A., born in 1989 (previously repeatedly held administratively liable), engaged in begging, using his three minor children (born in 2015, born in 2020, born in 2022), without ensuring their healthy lifestyle and involvement in education.
In order to stop this violation and take legal measures, the PPS officers invited this woman to the nearest DIA. However, the citizen did not comply with the lawful demands of the internal affairs officers and deliberately disregarded the rules of conduct in society, violating public order.
In connection with this situation, the Department of Internal Affairs of the Mirabad District Criminal Investigation Department initiated proceedings against citizen Kh.A. under Article 183 ("Petty Hooliganism") of the Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Administrative Responsibility, paragraph 188. An administrative report was drawn up under Article 3 ("Pilantry") and Article 194 ("Failure to comply with the lawful demands of an employee of internal affairs bodies").
In order to protect the rights of three minors and provide them with social assistance, measures are being taken to place them in the Center for Social and Legal Assistance to Minors of the Main Department of Internal Affairs of the city of Tashkent.
The Children's Ombudsman also commented on the situation, reminding that such actions by parents are considered a serious violation of children's rights.
According to Article 77 of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan, parents and persons replacing them are obliged to support their children until they reach adulthood, to care for their upbringing, education, and healthy, full, and comprehensive development.
"Measures aimed at protecting children from various forms of exploitation, ensuring their rights to education, a healthy and safe environment must be consistently and comprehensively continued," the Children's Ombudsman's statement says.
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