Germany adopted the "PISA-shock" program after its low results in the PISA study

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Germany adopted the "PISA-shock" program after its low results in the PISA study

23:00 / 26.01.2024 1.68k
When Germany participated in the PISA study for the first time in 2000, it recorded the same low results as Uzbekistan. At that time, 32 countries participated in the PISA study, and Germany took 25th place.

This was a very bad result for Germany. Therefore, they developed and put into practice the "PISA-shock" program.

What did Germany do through the "PISA-shock" program?

➖ Funding for education doubled;

➖ The possibility of choosing textbooks has increased (every federal region, school, teacher could choose a textbook from any publisher);

➖ The "PISA parents" survey was conducted, which investigates the mathematical literacy of parents;

➖ The coverage of day schools has been expanded (schools have been switched to the mode of operation from 08:00 to 16:00);

➖ Schools were transferred from 13 years to 12 years (partially failed);

➖ Central graduation exams were organized;

➖ PISA-E national study was conducted.

After these reforms, Germany's PISA results continued to improve until 2012. But over time, the results have been observed to return.

The reason for this was that parents did less homework with their children, many teachers missed classes, and some teachers switched to remote work due to illness.

This information was prepared based on the presentation prepared by Akramjon Matkarimov, Coordinator of Education and Labor Market Projects, Grone Academy of Education.

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Author of the article

Ulugbek Pulatov

Ulugbek Pulatov

Project founder


  • Germany
  • PISA
  • international research
  • foreign education
