What types of bonuses are given to school teaching staff?

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What types of bonuses are given to school teaching staff?

00:00 / 26.02.2024 10.21k
It is known that, depending on the results achieved by the pedagogic staff, various bonuses are assigned to them. Now we will give information about some types of these allowances.

1.Bonuses given to exemplary employees of general secondary educational institutions at the expense of the director's fund

These premiums are given in the amount of 10% to 40% compared to the basic tariff rates of pedagogues, psychologists and library staff. "On the procedure for the organization of the director's fund for the promotion of employees and the procedure for using its funds" is regulated by the Regulation.

2.10 percent monthly bonus paid to the heads of methodological associations in the fields of science

To further improve the quality of the educational process in a general educational institution, to strengthen interdisciplinary integration, to organize the educational and educational process on the basis of modern pedagogical technologies, to effectively implement the STEAM approach, to organize timely methodical support for pedagogical staff during the educational process by the decision of the Working Group, a 10 percent monthly premium is set for the basic tariff rates of the heads of the methodical associations of the general educational institution in the fields of science, for their activity in improving their professional and methodical skills and qualifications.

This procedure was approved by the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers dated September 30, 2019 No. 823 "The procedure for establishing the director's fund for encouraging exemplary employees of general secondary education institutions and using its funds" on" is regulated by the Regulation.

3.Bonuses given to teachers of certain subjects who have an internationally recognized or national certificate

These bonuses are given to subject teachers with internationally recognized certificates in the amount of 50 percent of their tariff rates, and to pedagogues with national certificates in the amount of 20 percent.

This procedure is based on Presidential Decree No. PF-134 dated May 11, 2022, Order No. PQ-5117 dated May 19, 2021, and No. 25 signed by the Ministry of Preschool and School Education with several ministries on July 28, 2023 regulated by a joint decision.

4.Allowances given to qualified pedagogues working in general secondary educational institutions at the expense of the Minister's Fund

These allowances are given for 9 months in the amount of 5.5 times the minimum wage to qualified pedagogues working in general secondary education institutions of the ministry system. Also, advanced employees working in the public education system will be paid a one-time bonus in the amount of 5.5 times the minimum wage.

The procedure for this is established by the Regulation "On the Fund of the Minister of Public Education", approved by the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 425 of August 2, 2022.

5.A bonus of 100-150% is assigned monthly to pedagogic personnel who won Olympiads during their studies.

Such bonuses are 150 percent of the salary per month for the pedagogues who won the International Olympiad and worked as teachers in educational institutions during their studies, and 100 percent of the salary for the winners of the republican stage of the main Olympiad premium is paid.

This procedure is defined in the President's decision PQ-4306 of May 3, 2019 "On measures to identify talented young people and establish a continuous system of highly qualified personnel training".

6.Allowances given to teaching staff from other regions in general secondary education institutions located in remote areas

In general secondary educational institutions located in remote areas, pedagogic staff working from other regions are paid the following increments based on their seniority:

10 percent to a teacher with 6 months to 3 years of work experience;
20 percent to a teacher with 3 to 5 years of work experience;
30 percent to a teacher with 5 to 10 years of work experience;
40 percent to a teacher with 10 to 15 years of work experience;
A teacher with more than 15 years of work experience will be paid a 50 percent bonus.

This procedure is defined by the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers dated June 7, 2019 No. 471 "On further encouraging the work of teaching staff working in general secondary schools located in remote areas".

In addition, Presidential Decree No. PQ-4940 was signed on January 11, 2021 to further encourage teachers who want to go to work in schools in remote areas.

According to it, starting from January 1, 2021, teachers who come from other regions to work in budget organizations located in remote areas will receive a one-time initial aid amount of 50 times the amount of the basic calculation and renting housing (renting ) monthly monetary compensation in the amount of 2 times of the basic calculation amount has been established.

7.Bonuses paid to teachers recruited from other regions to schools with low quality of education

If pedagogues with higher education and first or higher qualification category and at least one year of teaching experience are recruited from other regions to schools with low educational quality, they will be paid a bonus from 50% to 100%.

Teachers recruited from other regions will be paid the following additional fees:

50 percent to the basic tariff rates of teachers working from other districts and cities within the same region;
100% special increase to the basic tariff rates of teachers working from other regions.
pedagogues recruited from other regions to schools with low educational quality for the period of their work, but for a period of no more than 2 years, from the local budget funds of service housing or districts (cities) in the amount of 2 times the amount of the base calculation monthly compensation is also provided.

If a pedagogue receives a bonus from the headmaster's fund at the place of work, these bonuses will be preserved for one school year even if he starts working in a school with low educational quality.

Special increases to the basic tariff rates of teachers-pedagogues with higher and first category recruited from other regions are also paid for the academic year following the year when the school they attended was removed from the list of schools with a low level of education.

8.15 percent allowances for female physical education teachers working in rural areas

Starting from April 1, 2010, the tariff rates of women working as physical education teachers and sports instructors in general education schools, secondary special, vocational education institutions and sports schools for children and teenagers in rural areas a 15 percent surcharge per month has been established.

This procedure is based on the decision of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated April 1, 2010 No. PQ-1315 placed on the

9. Additional bonus paid to teachers of inclusive education classes

The monthly bonus paid to teachers of inclusive education classes for special working conditions is 10% of the salary for one child with special educational needs in the class, 20% of the salary for two children, for three children in the amount of 30 percent of the position salary, and 40 percent of the position salary for teachers and special pedagogues who have carried out educational work for four or more children in two or more inclusive education classes.

Teachers of elementary correctional classes and special pedagogues are paid a monthly bonus in the amount of 50% of the salary for special conditions of work. The head teacher of inclusive education classes is provided with the full amount of additional funding for classroom management and he/she is encouraged from the principal's fund.

This procedure is defined by the regulation "On the procedure for organizing inclusive education in general secondary education organizations" approved by the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 638 dated October 12, 2021.

10.Bonuses paid to young professionals with a prestigious international rating or PhD and other equivalent scientific degrees

15 to the salary of young professionals who graduated from foreign higher education institutions (bachelor's, master's) or received a scientific degree (PhD and other equivalent scientific degrees) included in the top 500 list of prestigious international rating organizations operating in educational institutions from percent to 75 percent are paid.

This procedure is defined in the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated July 13, 2021 No. PF-6260.

11.A 70 percent bonus given to pedagogues who have a qualification certificate based on international standards

These increases will be put into practice from January 1, 2025. According to the updated version of the regulation approved by the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 572 of September 17, 2021, a 70 percent bonus will be given to teachers who have a qualification certificate based on international standards.

This procedure is implemented by the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 692 of December 29, 2023.

12.Additional allowances paid to school principals and their deputies with managerial certificates

Starting from September 1, 2024, the managers of general secondary educational institutions with a management certificate will be paid additional monthly salary increments in the following amounts for a period of 5 years:

to school principals - 50 percent;
to deputy directors - 30 percent.

Applicants for this award must study and receive a certificate in management training courses introduced at the National Research Institute named after Abdulla Avloni.

This procedure is approved by the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 681 dated December 25, 2023 "On the procedure for training candidates for the position of director of state general secondary educational institutions in management training courses and issuing them with a management certificate" defined in the statute.

13.Allowances given to the directors of the educational institution that trained the winners of the International Olympiad

International Mathematics Olympiad — International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO), International Physics Olympiad — International Physics Olympiad (IPhO), International Chemistry Olympiad — International Chemistry Olympiad (IChO), International Biology Olympiad — International Biology Olympiad (IBO), International Informatics Olympiad — International Olympiad in Informatics (IOI) winners will receive an additional 200, 175, and 150 percent bonus for the next academic year, depending on the gold, silver, and bronze medals from the Fund. is paid.

This procedure is approved by the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers dated September 30, 2019 No. 823 "The procedure for establishing the director's fund for encouraging exemplary employees of general secondary education institutions and using its funds" on" defined in the Regulation.

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Ulugbek Pulatov

Ulugbek Pulatov

Project founder


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