Prezident raisligida o‘tkazilgan yig‘ilishda ta’limga aloqador masalalarga to‘xtalib o‘tildi

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Prezident raisligida o‘tkazilgan yig‘ilishda ta’limga aloqador masalalarga to‘xtalib o‘tildi

12:00 / 29.06.2024 2.65k
Yesterday, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev held a videoconference on June 30 - Youth Day to sum up the work carried out in the field of youth policy and measures to comprehensively support young people.

In particular, it was noted that over seven years, more than 100 laws and resolutions on youth have been adopted, and more than 200 benefits have been granted.

At the meeting, the following issues related to education were discussed:

Schools, colleges, technical schools, sports halls and libraries of universities, stadiums and swimming pools will serve the youth of the mahalla.

During the summer season, 2 million young people will be covered by sports and patriotic events on the basis of the "Patriot Youth of New Uzbekistan" program.

Also, team sports games, chess, table tennis, badminton, singles, swimming will be held in districts, regions, and the cup of ministers.

Days of reading, poetry, dance, music and cinema will be organized in mahallas, schools, technical schools, universities, sanatoriums and recreation halls, parks.

From the new academic year, "International Baccalaureate" and "A-level" programs will be introduced as an experiment in 73 academic lyceums under universities.

Students who have received certificates based on these programs will be admitted to the same university on a contract basis without examinations.

Young people are taking the SAT exam in mathematics, English and scientific thinking to study at foreign universities. Students who have scored more than 75% on these tests are winning grants to the most prestigious foreign universities. Now such young people will be admitted to our universities on a grant basis.

A "Center for Olympic Training" will be opened under the Agency of Presidential Schools.

Young people always achieve high results in the theoretical part of international Olympiads. However, due to the lack of practical skills in performing laboratory exercises, he is getting lower scores. Therefore, a "Center for Olympic Training" will be opened under the Agency of Presidential Schools and equipped with special laboratories. The national team participating in the international Olympiad will train at this center on the basis of the plan.

Now the subjects of the first and second courses of universities will be combined with technical schools.

Young people who have successfully completed the first and second year of the technical school will be awarded a diploma corresponding to the relevant level of the international classifier.

They will be given the opportunity to continue their studies from the second or third year of the university on a contract basis.

Young people with a qualification level and two years of experience in their profession will be admitted to universities on a contract basis on the recommendation of the enterprise.

"Creative industrial parks" will be established at one Barkamol Avlod Center in each region.

"Creative industrial parks" will be assigned to universities and large manufacturers. These parks will become a platform for dialogue between young entrepreneurs, science and business.

The fund will provide loans of up to 100 million soums for three years to startups of young people here.

These young entrepreneurs will be provided with a preferential loan of 100 million soums to expand their activities and turnover.

The competition of the "Turon" theater will be held annually among schoolchildren.

More than 12 thousand theater teams took part in the recent competition of the "Turon" theater. As a result of the competition, a unique small theater team was formed in each district.

From now on, the competition of the "Turon" Theater will be held annually among schoolchildren. The winners will be admitted to the Creative Schools.

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"Xalq ta'limi Info"

"Xalq ta'limi Info"



  • Shavkat Mirziyoyev
  • Education policy
