From 2025, kindergarten directors will also be issued a certificate of management, and a 30% bonus will be introduced from September

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From 2025, kindergarten directors will also be issued a certificate of management, and a 30% bonus will be introduced from September

21:11 / 29.08.2024 2.82k

Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 531 on the issuance of a management certificate to the directors of a preschool educational organization was signed.

As you know, by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 681 of December 25, 2023, the procedure for training candidates for the position of director of state general secondary educational institutions in management training courses and issuing a management certificate was established.

At the same time, starting from September 2024, school principals with a manager's certificate will be paid a 50% bonus, and deputy principals - a 30% bonus.

From January 1, 2025, the same procedure will be applied to the directors of preschool educational organizations. In this case, starting from September 1, 2025, kindergarten directors who have a manager's certificate will be paid a 30% bonus.

Also, a reserve of candidates for the position of kindergarten director will be formed from among those who have a manager's certificate.

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Author of the article

Ulugbek Pulatov

Ulugbek Pulatov

Project founder


  • manager
  • Preschool education
