Science Olympiads start from September 16

The first (school) stage of the main Olympiad will be held on September 16-30 this year.
Students of state and non-state general secondary educational organizations, academic lyceums and vocational schools will participate in this Olympiad.
According to the current procedure, the main Olympiads are held in four stages within the following timeframes:
the first stage - in September at the level of schools, academic lyceums and vocational schools;
the second stage - in October at the district (city) level;
the third stage - in November at the level of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, regions and the city of Tashkent;
the fourth stage is held in april-may for all subjects at the republican level.
How is the first (school) stage of the main Olympiad organized?
The Olympiad will be held among students of grades 9-11 of state and non-state general secondary educational organizations, students of grades 1-2 of academic lyceums and vocational schools.
When organizing and conducting the Olympiad, the pedagogical council of the educational institution must:
determination of the venue of the Olympiad and taking the necessary measures to ensure the safety of students;
formation of the composition of the jury (3-7 people) for each subject, formation of the list of members of the appeal commission;
preparation of control materials and taking measures to ensure their confidentiality;
on the basis of the results of the Olympiad and the decision of the jury, submit a recommendation to the higher organizing committee on the participation of the winners in the next stage.
All students must be notified about the place and time of the Olympiad at least 3 days before the Olympiad (posting an announcement on the notice board, social networks and telegram groups, oral announcement by subject teachers during classes, in the general lineup, etc.).
The director of the educational institution is personally responsible for ensuring the awareness of students about the Olympics. Students participate in the Olympiads on a voluntary basis.
For some reasons, it is impossible to hold the Olympiad again for a student who did not participate in the Olympiad within the specified period, and a student who did not participate in the Olympiad cannot be recommended for participation in the next stage.
In the sequence of points, up to 3 winners will be determined from among the participants in each subject and class and recommended by the decision of the school's pedagogical council (or the head of a non-governmental educational organization) to participate in the next stage of the Olympiad.
Information about students and their teachers recommended for participation in the next stage must be posted in the information system of the Ministry of Preschool and School Education
The director of the educational institution is responsible for ensuring the confidentiality of control materials, fairness and transparency of the process related to the Olympic Games. District (city) Department of Preschool and School Education shall coordinate the organization of the first stage and shall exercise control over its fair and transparent implementation.
Evaluation of Olympic results
The evaluation of the Olympic results is carried out on the basis of evaluation criteria approved by the pedagogical council of the educational institution on subjects. Evaluation of the Olympic results is carried out on the day of the Olympiad.
The Olympiad can be organized in the form of test assignments, written and practical work on subjects. The control materials should be aimed at assessing the skills and competencies of students in applying their knowledge and skills in standard and non-standard tasks, practical assignments. Participants in the Olympiad can complete assignments in Uzbek or Russian. Foreign languages and related languages are excluded.
At the Olympiad, a jury of judges is formed by the pedagogical council of the educational institution in a composition of 3 to 7 people. After the completion of the time allocated to the participants to complete the assignments, the audience manager collects their work and sends it encrypted to the jury.
The jury will objectively check and evaluate the work performed by the participants of the Olympiad. After the students' work is evaluated by the jury, the assignments and their solutions are hung on the notice board.
The jury enters the final points into the decision and hangs the results of all participants and the decision on the notice board. If the evaluation process is delayed after 18:00, the results can be announced in pre-organized telegram channels or groups that are open to all participants.
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